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As I got packed for my flight from New York to Washington my phone went off. I heard my Megalovania ringtone go off. I love Undertale! I picked up and it was Bff/N(bffs name). She told me she was packed and asked if I was ready. I said yes very enthusiastic and ran to my car to pick her up. I hung up that phone and called my brother. Red picked up after two rings.
"Hey baby sister! How are you? Are you on your way?" He was so excited.
"Yes I'm on my way to the airport now. I can't wait to see you and the guys. Who's picking me up?" I asked.
"Oh! I'm picking you up with Ross. I heard Bff/N was coming too. Can she edit? If so she can have a job too," he said and I squealed because she got in the car and heard too.
"OMG! REALLY?! I CAN HAVE A JOB AT THE OFFICES!?" She screamed into the phone. Red laughed.
"Yes you can. You two will be editors. I can't wait to see you sis. Love you," he said and then hung up. I squealed and so did Bff/N.

-Le time skip-

After the flight me and Bff/N started looking for any sign of my brother or Ross. I saw familiar red hair and found Red. I surprised him with a hug. He laughed and hugged me too.
"Y/N! I missed you," he said and let go. Ross came up to me and smiled and waved.
"Come here!" You said and pulled him into a hug. He hugged you and said, "I missed you. Adam misses you too but he's working right now. He doesn't know you're here." I laughed and said, "lets surprise him. He'll never see it coming. Ross walks in and distracts Adam while I walk in and Red screams. Adam will come running to Red and I'll jump in his back." They boys nodded and so did Bff/N.

In the car we all talked about everything. Even our...parents. Red made me stop the conversation after I told him what happened. The rest of the ride was quiet.
When we got to the office I laughed and said, "lets do this!" The boys nodded and our plan was set in motion. I watched as Ross distracted Adam. Red quickly pushed me into an office that I thought was empty before laying on the floor and screaming. I noticed that there was someone behind me. He was a cute ginger. I didn't have time to focus on him because Adam came around the corner. When he squated down to ask what was wrong I jumped on his back.
"Hey! Get off! Max I swear if this is you!" He yelled and then stopped when he saw my face. I jumped off and put my arms out. He picked me up in a hug and spun me around. I giggled as he set me down.
"Wow your here. Y/ Why? How? When? I knew you were gonna work here but I didn't know you were coming today," he said quickly.
"Wait! She's working here now?!" I heard an angry voice behind me. I turned and it was the ginger haired man. He was red with anger and I backed away.
"Y-yeah...I am," I said, kind of scared that he was so mad. When he saw my scared face he calmed down and looked at the floor.
"What is gonna be her job?" He asked the floor. Adam chuckled and answered, "editing. I guess you could help her out, huh Max?" I looked at him. So his name is Max. I thought. He's kinda cute. He looked at me and nodded. Adam grabbed my hand and started showing me around. I still hadn't seen Max's office.
"You will be sharing an office with Max. He needs to help you and we don't have an extra office right now," I nodded and walked in. There was his set up in the far corner. I laughed when I saw David on his mic. I recognized him from Max's videos. I saw another desk in the corner across from the doorway. It was empty and not decorated. That will change soon. I thought.
"Ehem," I hear someone clear their throat behind me. I turn and I see Max.
"So we're sharing an office?" He asked. I nodded. I was nervous.
"I'm Max. Nice to meet you. I heard you're name was Y/N, right?" He asked and held out his hand. Still kind of scared I shook his hand and nodded. I swallowed and walked backwards to my set up.
"What? Cat got your tongue?" He said playfully. I giggled and blushed. Why was he was so cute? I cleared my throat.
"Sorry, but I'm kind of nervous. You are the person who inspired me to edit my own videos," I said quietly. He laughed and sat down. We talked until the end of the day. He taught me how to edit certain peoples videos too.

I can't wait till tomorrow...

Editors Love Story (Mithzan/Max x Reader) ~Taking A Break~Where stories live. Discover now