Rules and Info

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Hello! Welcome to our roleplay! This is currently runned by Meadow, but I (Jenny) am in charge of writing this book! So, basically, this is a high school roleplay! You can go to classes based on the chapter names (ex: You have science class next, so you scroll through this book's chapters for one labeled Science class and start role-playing!

After you make your form, Meadow will reply with your class schedule, and you will have to be on time every few days or so. We will comment on here every day when a new class is starting or school will be open today, and you may choose to come or not! PLEASE BE ACTIVE ON HERE!!

No cussing
Bullying is fine but don't be too harsh
No advertising
No being inappropriate
No making your character a Mary Sue
Have fun!!

Forms will be published soon!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2017 ⏰

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