Jezebel the doll of the fourth Hell

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["Jezebel is nothing but trouble, she was made in a troubled time and she only causes trouble".] Jezebel is a demonic manifestation of Reiko that was born as a coping mechanism for Alicks and slowly found herself taking the position of his conscious. She's a demon girl that can exist in both the physical world and Alicks mind. She speaks in a small Irish accent. She's 5 feet 5 inches tall and 670 years of age.

Jezebel is a small girl that has long stringy black hair. Her eyes are wide and have pronounced eyelashes as well as eyeliner and eyeshadow. She also has a natural dark outline around her eyes making them look almost doll-like. She smiles almost all the time and has piercing blue eyes with very small irises. She wears a dark Lolita out fit that consists of a black dress and a small top hat with a glass or real eyeball. (Azazel's to be exact)

Her preferred weapon is Alicks, or Azazel depending on the universe. She does in fact have a large butchers knife that she uses if she can't escape back into the safety of Alicks/Azazel. Her teeth are razor sharp and she is capable of small amounts of blue fire spells.

Jezebel doesn't really have much of a story, she just wants to see the world burn at her fingertips. She was created after Reiko died and is the leading cause to why Alicks does some of the things he does, of course he's evil but at most times he suppresses her and his actions are of his own free will, but Azazel is a different story as he is completely manipulated by her and she uses that to the most of her ability, to get what she wants accomplished. Even though she's virtually evil she does love cats and Alicks.

Fun facts
Jezebel loves humming and often hums really loudly if she's being ignored or is angry. She has a cat with demon horns named Dexter Vinny Loften, his name is supposed to be a mild nod towards "devil", with her sometimes calling him "Dex Evil". Azazel is always given a hug by Jezebel everyday although he doesn't know what it means.

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