But Kai had already left. Not another word, just a wet lump sliding over her boot as a reminder. She gagged and threw off her shoes, collapsing in a pile at the base of the cell.

Levana was sauntering out of the hallway, swinging the keys at her curvy hip.

"Oh and by the way; that tramp of yours is dead. Shot through the heart. Just thought you should know!" She shot her a sincere smile before the door slammed shut, throwing the room into dark.

Cinder couldn't move. Couldn't breathe. Her vision was gone, her hearing numb. Cold seeped through her body. No.

Her head hit the concrete, eyes sliding close and body broken as Peony's face echoed through her mind.

She was gone.


Scarlet couldn't stop crying. For once in this insane story, however, it was out of happiness. The second she'd left the cell, he'd been the only thing in her view.

Her Ze'ev was in her arms, lifting her off the ground in a bone-crushing hug. The cold she'd been frozen in was gone, replaced by a massive warmth. She'd forgotten how huge he really was. Broad shoulders and strong muscles blocked her view of the policemen trying to stop him from touching the "criminal."

This sort of ended their moment.

Next thing she knew, she was hanging over his shoulder while he barked obscenities at the now-cowering men. HIs choice of words were enough to make even Scarlet blush true to her name.

"Ze'ev, darling..." She hissed, barely able to reach his ear. The blood was rushing to her head, and she began to feel a little dizzy. He shushed her and continued to rant as he walked out the door.

Scarlet stiffened, righteous annoyance filling her head.

"Ze'ev, you put me down zis instant! You 'ave crossed ze line." He seemed to finally hear her, gently placing her on the cobblestones in front of him, letting his fists linger on her hips. She hated to admit it, but his touch made some of the vexation fade.

Her complaint ended up sounding like teasing.

"You do not shush me, Ze'ev. Zat was an unspoken rule from the beginning. Et une side note; ze foul language is not attractive at all on you." She stamped her foot for good measure, unable to keep the grin from forming. He smiled back in relief, pulling her in for another hug.

She growled something almost worthy of him, making Ze'ev chuckle until it shook her.

Scarlet laughed along before pulling away.

"D'accord. Now zat is our plan?"

Ze'ev didn't have enough time to open his mouth as a tiny figure barreled into Scarlet, knocking her back into Ze'ev's chest.

"Ise is so sorry, tell hers ise is sorry, oh shoot, it shoulda been me, it shoulda been me..." Ben was wailing into her skirt, and there were so many tears that she could feel the salt on her thigh. She glanced up at Ze'ev, who's grin had melted, staring at the kid in confusion.

"Are you ze boy Cinder vas talking about?" He sniffled in response before lifting his tear-stained head, his eyes boring into hers. She felt her heart warm a little bit more, something she hadn't thought possible in a long, long time.

Scarlet remembered those first, blissful few months of their marriage. They'd still been back in France back then, with a plan to spend their early years in the cottage up the hill from her Grandmother's produce farm. It sounded quaint, but for them, it was as close to paradise as they could imagine.

New WingsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora