He is gone

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      Tears rolled down my cheek as I prepared for my demise.  

"I will always love you my daughter... You made me do this." 

I flinched as the axe was swung towards my head 

"LET HER GO!" a voice was heard from the top as shredder and his henchmen were knocked down by their feet. 

I looked up from my chains and there was Leo, and his other brothers. 

Just then I felt a tug on my chains. 

Rahzar began to drag me away. 

"Stop those turtles!!! Take Karai to the river. Ill deal with her later..."

Shredder called out. 

I gasped. The river... They were going to drown me! 

I reached my hands out as much as I could and screamed for Leo. 

"HELP ME!" I cried out. 

Leo ran towards me and tried to grab my hands but missed. 

"Karai! don't worry! Ill get you out! I promise!!!" 

Leo started running towards me and the darkness covered my sight. We were outside. where no one could see me. 

Leo....please save me... 

I stood there on the edge of the dock Rahzar is circling around me. 

"You had everything. The shredder had you on his side. He raised you and did so much and this is hw you repay him?" Rahzar took a claw to my chin and lifted my head up 

I growled silently. 

Rahzar made a face and chuckled. 

"You know he never told me to leave you alive.." 

Rahzar shoved a claw in my shoulder and laughed. 

I screamed in pain and began crying. 

Just then three people came and took Rahzar out. then tied him up.. 

I couldnt move all I could hear was voices. 

"Karai!!" Leo's voice blurred in my ears as my vision blacked out. 


I looked over at Karai and panicked.  Blood was gushing down her arm and she had lost cconsiousness 

"Donnie! get her to the liar now."

"Are you kidding me?" Raph crossed his arms 

"Dont argue Raph I know what I am doing."


I woke up in a liar of some sort. My shoulder was patched up and all I could hear was Leo's brother Donnie talking to him about something. I sat up and realized I was free. 

"Karai!" Leo ran to my side. "You're okay! your free now!"

"Leo...you were right... Splinter is my true father.."

Leo smiled and grabbed my hand, I felt my cheeks get hot and I raised my eyebrow. 

"It's okay. we forgive you. You don't have to worry anymore. Shredder will not bother you no longer" 

I widened my eyes. 

"What do you mean...? He's gone...?"

Leo and Donnie smiled and nodded their heads. 

I was finally safe. 

Thanks to Leo 

My hero..

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