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The small group drove much more. They found a beautiful spot in an area and decided to live there. Everything was going great and they even added more people to the group. Everyone knew they were going to survive this. Years passed as everyone grew older. Juliet was pregnant and Austin and Melanie were in love. Hazel learned about the walkers. The world was peaceful again. The saviors left them alone and they assumed Eli died. After about nine years, the group became suspicious because hey only see a walker once a week. The walkers have died down in the area. They found more and more people. The world was becoming normal again. Juliet and Korey had their baby and decided to try for more. Zach basically adopted Hazel and they were both too cute. Dr Jared was finding information. And Mike and Lauren were the happiest people there. They were so in love and nothing could stop them. Eventually, Lauren found out she was pregnant with twins. Everyone was so happy. Walkers haven't been seen in months. The apocalypse was over. Everything was great. People were okay the government was coming out of its shell. It's all okay. Everything. Lauren and Mike raised a big family. The youngest kid asked Lauren and Mike how they met. They looked at each other and smiled. "In a very weird way." They answered. Mike, Lauren, Melanie, Austin, Juliet, Korey, and Zach sat around a table. Mike looked around at his friends. "We've been through hell and back." Austin said. Lauren smiled. "But we survived."
                                 The End

I'm sorry but I didn't have any motivation to right this. I had a different ending in mind. This is completely better than the other one. I'm going to be writing more stories and I'll definitely miss this one. Also please check out my new book it's called "No Limits."

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