Chapter Six

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After leaving Rayne to get dressed, I went downstairs to have a word with the twins.

"Darren! Dean! Get your sorry butts here right now, you perverted bastards!" I yelled out when at the bottom of the stairs.

In a matter of seconds, both men were in front of me, stood up straight facing me, but looking behind me. They were attempting to avoid eye contact.

"Can one of you..." I got up close to their faces and looked between the two of them. "Please explain to me WHY you were in the room with MY girl!?"

Before any of them could answer the sound of glass breaking was heard from upstairs.

For a second me and Darren just looked at eachother where as Dean just made a comment about how 'my girl was making a mess that he's gonna have to clean up'.

Darren swatted the back of Deans head just as i turned around to see what my Rayne Drop broke.

The sight I was met with shocked me.

The fire extinguisher was taken off the wall and thrown through the full wall window, smashing it, completely shattering the glass, and Rayne was gone.

"Your girl has some brains." Darrens voice piped up from behind me.
"Does this mean I can have her portion of breakfast?" Dean asked, joining his brother in the doorway.

I marched up to Dean, grabbed him by the throat, slightly lifting him off of the ground, and leaned into his face.

"No, you dim witted twat! It means NO ONE EATS AT ALL UNTIL MY BABY IS BACK IN MY ARMS!"

Darren visibly gulped as he heard my threat. This will be hell for the twins since they LOVE food.

"Yes, Xander!" They said in unison .

"Now leave. Search the lott. If you find Rayne, don't hurt her. Bring her back to me. If there is a single scratch on her body, I will do 1000 times worst to you. Do you understand?" I said, letting go of Dean.

"Yes, Xander!" They said in unison.

I wasn't that worried about her escaping. Since there are no neighbours for about 8 miles.

I was worried about her well being. What if she's hungry? Or thirsty? Or hurt?!

I hope you're OK, My little Rayne Drop.

If my grammar and stuff is bad it's because im on my Amazon Fire HD, meaning it doesn't have autocorrect.

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