January Dusk

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New moon's thin blade cuts west
                                                                    at peach-sundown;
bird flocks glide sun-feather translucencies.
Giving and receiving in stillness
of  humane rituals the very crown.

Or why rolls a globe along a measure,
bobs a black plastic clicker-tip,
                                                               as sways
a page, gripped to a board?
                                                        Glaze smooths a gaze,
when hum-drum horizons spill sky-treasure

sheen fleetly fading to metallic grey,
no cloud asky to salmon, roseate -

Venus stationed under blade's threatened blow
(as if moon would ever venture violent play).

Trailing pink contrails, war-jets blazon so
        deep-sunk sun
                                     crayoning smiles on fate.

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