#10 Misunderstandings

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You were out at your local shopping centre with your friend Matt. You were best friends in primary school until he moved away but he recently got back in contact as he moved back to your town. Luke's birthday is coming up and you asked him if he could help you pick our a present as Matt's boyfriend seems to have similar interests. You had been shopping for over 3 hours and you felt as if your feet were about to fall off so you decided to stop at a café for a coffee break.

'I'm so glad we got to do this Y/N.' He said sweetly.

'I know it's been so long hasn't it! I can't wait for you to meet Luke, I can imagine you guys are going to get along so well!' You said clapping excitedly.

'Me too, he sounds like a great guy. You truly deserve the best.' He said kissing your cheek.

You giggled and turned your head playfully pushing him away when you heard a commotion next to you.

You looked to the side and saw Luke! He had dropped his bags and was staring at you with his mouth open wide.

'Luke?' You said, but as you stood up to walk towards him, he turned on his heels, leaving his bags on the floor as he walked to the exit.

'Luke wait!' You shouted as you ran after him.

You weaved through the crowd trying to reach him before you lost him in the mas of people. His legs being much longer than yours, you had to run to keep up with his brisk pace.

You reached out and grabbed his hand, stopping him in his tracks.

'Hey what's wrong? Why are you running from me?' You asked.

He spun around and looked at you with anger in his eyes. 'How could you ask me that?! I just caught you cheating on me with that guy!'

You paused for a minute, his face looking at you seething and you started to laugh. You laughed so hard you had to bend over with your hands on your knees.

'Now you're laughing at me? You're so cruel.' His voice broke as he again tried to turn away from you.

'Wait! Just let me explain, you misunderstood! The guy you saw is Matt, you know primary school best friend Matt? He just moved back to town and we we're catching up and shopping for your birthday present. I knew you we're busy today so I didn't mention it.' You said smiling softly at him as his mouth once again dropped open but this time in realisation.

'Oh.' He said in a quiet voice.

He shuffled his feet on the floor as he quietly said, 'I'm sorry I though you were cheating, i shouldn't have jumped to conclusions.'

'Yeah you shouldn't have but I forgive you. I don't think Matt's boyfriend would appreciate it either.' You laughed as he blushed even harder.

'Anyway, come on, I want you to meet him!' You squealed as you grabbed his hand and started to drag him back to the coffee shop.


Your friend Ellie had been at your house all afternoon for a girlie evening. You had a whole load of snacks and chocolates and you had just put on the Christmas film The Holiday, your favourite.

'God I fancy Jude Law in this film, don't tell Michael.' You laughed as you leant over to open the bottle of red wine.

'Who doesn't!' Ellie giggled.

You popped the cork on the wine and poured a glass for yourself. When you grabbed a second glass to pour in Ellie stopped you.

'None for me thanks, I'll stick to soft drinks tonight.' She smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24 ⏰

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