Friend? or Foe?

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My eyes fluttered open, but my vision was blurry. All I could make out was a shadowy brown thing above me. I tried moving around, but something unfamiliar and a bit heavy was lying on top of me. The ground I was on was also warm and soft.
What type of ground is this?? I thought to myself, lifting myself on my elbows. This would be a nightmare to run across. While propped up on my elbows, my vision started to clear, and where I was nearly gave me a heart attack. It looked like I might be in some sort of room. There was a fireplace in one of the walls, the fire dancing and jumping up. Just the smell of the little smoke that came out made me scoot farther away from it. A desk was next to me, something metal with a glass thing on the top rested on the wooden object, perhaps a lantern? As I shifted, I felt something lightly restrict my movement. I jumped up, and the thing was flung off my body. Are those... Blankets? I asked myself, looking a bit closer. Looking down, I noticed my feet were standing on something very squishy as my feet made it seep in downwards. I also saw a white cloth tied securely around my thigh where I got shot, but I also saw a pair of loose-fitting brown shorts hanging from my waist. Stilling looking at what was on me, a while flowing shirt hung loosely from my shoulders. Feeling somewhat more calm about "what had been holding me back," I slowly sat down on what I believed to be a bed. I haven't slept in a human bed for what seemed like a lifetime. I just sat on the side of the bed, looking at what was surrounding me, getting used to the new scenery.

When I felt like I was getting comfortable in my new placing, I heard muffled voices from beneath me. My heart started to race as I listened to one of the voices moving around, their foot steps getting louder and louder. Panic was what registered as I quickly tried to stand up and run, but stepping on my wounded leg hurt. It failed me as I, ungracefully, landed on the desk and sent the lantern crashing to the ground. The glass shattered, and the desk thumped onto the ground, creating even more noise and destruction. The footsteps got louder and faster as if the person it belonged to started to run. My breath quickened as I sloppily started to crawl backward to a corner, my eyes locked on the door.

Right as my back hit the wall, the door was flung open. A large man with blue and white robes stepped in. His hooded was lowered to show a very native looking young man. He frantically searched the room, going from the bed to the nightstand to the shattered glass and then slowly, to me.

"You are awake." His voice was very calming and smooth. He took a few slow steps towards me, showing his palms towards me. "You were injured in the woods. I brought you here to be treated." He continued on, slowly getting closer and closer to me. I wanted to lift up my lips and growl at him, but it didn't seem right. As he got closer, I recognized his face. He was the one who helped me. I brought my knees closer to my chest subconsciously, still cautious with the strange man. He must have seen it because he stopped walking towards me and slowly got down to my height. "It is okay. I am not here to hurt you." He promised. I remember him saying that several times when we first met, but as I began to think of it, that wasn't the first time we met.

Very slowly, I started to crawl in his direction. I watched as his muscles tensed slightly, but he stayed where he was. He was only an arm's length away when I kneeled down in front of him. My head cocked slightly as I reached forward, my hands on either side of his face. He took a deep breath, his whole body tensing. Very gently, I slipped my hands behind his head, softly grippy the fabric of a hood. I tugged the fabric upwards, making it cover his face. The man only watched my movements very carefully, furrowing his brows when I pulled the hood over his head. I pulled the hood back then over his face again. Familiarity started to kick in each time I pulled the hood over his eyes. Pulling the hood off for the last time, I sat back and looked into his chocolate eyes.

"I've seen you before." I said to him. My voice was quiet and hoarse from barely using it at all. His face filled with shock, maybe because I spoke, or maybe because I recognized him. Maybe even both. He squinted his eyes and cocked his head ever so sightly. Most people might not have been able to see the small gesture, but I could. I searched his eyes and his body posture to see any emotion that might seep through his walls.

"What is your name?" He asked, I could tell that that question wasn't the only one he wanted to ask, but it was the first one that came from his lips. I took another scan of him and the area around me. Suddenly realizing what I just did, I scooted back slightly, a shyness consuming over me as a heat covered my face. He saw my little movements and gave out a sigh. "Do you not have a name?" He asked, his eyebrows pulling together again. Swallowing a lump in my throat, I tore my eyes away from his glare. I didn't know why, but I wanted to tell him my name. He just makes me feel like I can trust him, but it's been a long time since I've trusted someone outside of my pack. A fear pitted itself into my stomach, making me feel sick. Questions started to fill my head. Questions like; What if my father told people of his monster of a daughter? Did people know my name and what I am? Would he know of my father? What would this man do if he knew of my secret?

I know! I'll act like I can't speak English! I thought to myself enthusiastically. For a minute I acted like I didn't know English before I realized... I already spoke to him... in English. I groaned internally, hating myself more and more as the uncomfortable silence grew on. A fight started in my head, trying to figure out what to say to this strange man in front of me. I closed my eyes tightly, and shook my head slightly.

"Not yet." I finally spoke out. The man looked at me even more confused then he did before. I cleared my throat, suddenly feeling very uncomfortable in front of his large presence. "It's not the time. Yet." I clarified, gaining enough courage to look him in the eyes. His glare broke off, looking at the ground. He nodded hesitantly, his jaw clenching slightly. He stood up front the ground, looking down at me. I shrunk down a bit under his shadow, my wolf instincts telling me that he was not one to mess with.

"Okay, you can tell me whenever you are comfortable." He said, turning to exit the room. "You must be hungry. I will bring some food up for you." I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. Right as his hand reached the door knob, he turned around to face me, a slight smile on his face. "My name is Connor, if you where wondering." And with that, Connor left the room.

I stared at the door, processing what just happened. This, Connor guy has been following me around and he doesn't know it. He is helping a complete stranger who just so happens to have a giant wolf living inside them. He looks like someone I could trust, but he also looks like he holds many secrets and burdens. Groaning in frustration, I slowly got off the ground and limped around the room.

Great... Know what am I going to do now... I groaned in my head. Letting out a deep sigh, I plopped down on the soft bed. Well, I guess I'll take it one day at a time.

Yay! Another fast update!! That makes me happy and I hope it make you wonderful readers happy. I'll try to keep them fast, but no promises. School just started back up and I hate it already. Again, any mistakes, tell me and I'll fix them! Bye!!

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