An Ambush or a Saving? (part 2)

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Edited 12-18-2022

                    *Connor's POV*

     Those stupid poachers were at it again. Unfairly and cruelly slaughtering the aninals that lived near the manor. Grunting, I quickly free ran up a tree with ease before jumping from branch to branch, getting closer to my targets.

      Just ahead, I could spot three figures in one of the tree stands, over looking the forest ground. I let out a small growl of frustration, pushing my legs and arms to work faster to get them. As I got closer to them, I noticed that one of them was getting ready to shoot at any moment. I quickly grabbed my bow from off my back and fluently pulled an arrow from my quiver. Pulling the draw string all the way back to my cheek, I slowed my breathing, preparing for the shot. Before I could let the arrow fly, one of the poachers' musket rang out, followed by a high-pitched yelp of pain. The poachers cheered, both men on either side patting the one who took the shot on his back. I watched as I let the arrow slip through my figures and races towards the poachers. It buried itself inside the shooters back, making him lose balance and fall from the tree. The other two swung around in surprise, staring right at me with wide eyes. Instinct took over as I dash towards them, swinging from different branches, trying to confuse their aim. I quickly made it to the tree stand, ruffly shoving one of the poachers off the platform with my shoulder. The last one brought his musket closer to him, his knees visibly shaking. Grabbing the ruff of his jacket, I brought him closer to me, nearly lifting him off his own feet.

     "Tell what friends you have left what happened here and never come back!" He nodded slightly, fear laced in his eyes. I harshly let him go, watching as his legs gave out and let his body hit the planked ground before he staggered up and rushed down the ladder that led to the safe forest ground. He ran away, looking behind his shoulder every now and again, seeing if I really let him go. Shaking my head disapprovingly, I leapt off the platform into a conveniently place pile of leaves. Small whimpers and what seemed like quiet groans could be heard close by. My brows furrowed as my hand subconsciously crept to my tomahawk. I slowly stalked closer to the sounds, noticing the large splatter of blood on the green terrain. A small sigh escaped my lips as I  reached for my bow and arrow, I continued to find the wounded animal and, most likely; to put it out of its misery.

    I spun around the tree, knowing that the animal would be right there. Drawing my bow to my cheek, I prepared myself to face the wounded, defenseless animal and kill it. But what I didn't expect to see in front of me was a nude girl clutching a bloody leg. Shock flooded my being as I watched her lift up her lips and let out a growl. Her good leg kicked against the Earth as one of her arms dug desperately behind her, causing her to slowly crawl away from me. My bow fell to the ground as I saw the hatred and fear in her green eyes. I quickly went to work unbuckling the straps and weapons that clung to my form. After the comfortable weight was gone, I shook my robes off, leaving me only in my white shirt, my trousers, and my boots.

   "It is okay. I am not going to hurt you. Let me help you." I spoke gently, trying hard to just look at her face. Luckily for me, some of her long, wild red hair covered up a bit of her breasts, but it also covered some of her sunken face. "I am not going to hurt you. I have a homestead nearby. There is a doctor there that will help you." The girl watched me diligently, searching for anything that would tell her differently from the words I spoke. She closed her eyes and bowed her head slightly, the muscles under her pale face relaxed. I cautiously walked towards her, my robes firmly in my grasp. Reaching her, I kneeing down to her level before wrapping my assassin robe around her. The large robe engulfed her tiny form, me being almost three times her size. She flinched slightly, being almost spooked by the sudden contact of the heavy fabric. Her green eyes met mine, I could see the questions racing through her eyes. The doubt, and the relief.
       The assassin insignia belt was thrown aside so I could unwrap the red sash around my torso. "I am going to wrap this around your leg to stop the bleeding, okay?" She looked up at me, doubt still in her wide, frighten eyes, but she nodded slowly nonetheless. I shifted my weight, so I was closer to her leg. Carefully, I lifted up her leg slightly before wrapping my red sash around her bloodied leg. I glanced up at the strange woman and saw her staring at me, her brows furrowed. My lips tugged upward, giving her a slight smile before tying off the sash. A small gasp left her lips as the red fabric sharply tightened around her injured thigh. "Sorry." I apologised, slipping my arms under her knees and around her back. After making sure she was securely in my hold, I slowly stood up, holding the girl bridal style in my arms.

    As I stood up from the ground, the girl's eyes widened as one of her hands reached out of the robes to grip onto my shirt. I looked down at her, worry started to swarm over me, worry that maybe I hurt her. She didn't look in pain, but she did look confused and panicked. Her grip on my shirt tightened as I started to walk towards the homestead.

     "It is okay. I am taking you to a doctor." I reassured her, looking down at her. The girl, feeling my stare, looked back at me. Her forest like eyes bore into mine, searching for answers and comfort. Staring into her eyes, I saw something familiar. I couldn't figure out why she seemed familiar, so I looked away and kept walking towards the homestead.

        As I continued towards the homestead, I noticed that the girl's death grip on my shirt seemed to be loosening up. Glancing down at her, I saw her head bobbing with my movements and her eyelids drooping downwards, her hand sliding down my chest before it rested against her own body.

     "No, no. You can not black out. Not right now." I said, shaking her skinny form slightly. Her eyes only fluttered up slightly to look at me, her head bobbing slightly less than before. I bumped up into a jog, trying to get to the homestead quicker before she lost too much blood. "Hold on, we are nearly there." I said urgently, watching how lightly freckled face paled as her eyelids got heavier. Her head moved to the rhythm of my strides, every movement making her lids cover more and more of those green eyes. Finally, her eyelids finally closed, her head bouncing lifelessly.
        "Hey! Hang on, we are nearly there." I stook her again, trying to get her attention and to get her to look at me. Her eyes didn't flutter open like they did the last time. They remained closed. Her head hanged back, a red waterfall of hair swaying with every step flowing from her scalp. I rearranged my hold on her, cradling her body closer to my chest. Her head rolled, resting itself on my shoulder.

      "Connor!" greeted a strong French accent.

     "Norris! Go grab Dr. White!" I yelled out, jogging towards the manor. The girl's head swayed as my steps grew faster, her hand falling limply down as well. Norris looked at me questionably before noticing the girl and the blood staining her as well as me. He quickly turned around, and began running towards the doctor's house, screaming for him to come. I raced to the brick mansion, taking the steps two at a time before barging in the doors.

      "What's the hurry, Connor?" I heard Achilles say from the other room. His cane hitting the floor with soft thuds as he came towards me. Once he rounded the corner and saw the limp girl in my arms, he quickly turned around and started for the kitchen. "Come, bring her in here." I quickly walked into the kitchen, setting her down on the table. Before Achilles could open his mouth to question me, the door was pushed open as Dr. White rushed through it.

    "What is it? What happened?" questioned Dr. White as he speeds towards the unconscious girl. He didn't even wait for an answer before he started to dig through his medic bag.

      "I found her in the forest. Some poachers shot her leg." I answered, looking at her then to Dr. White. He only nodded before untying the blood-soaked sash, revealing the wound. He tossed the sash aside, grabbing some rubbing alcohol and pouring some into the wound. Dr. White quickly worked on the wound, disinfecting it, working the bullet out, and stitching it up. After a little while, he finally let out a sigh, looking up at me.

     "Now, she rests. Did she give you a name?" He asked as he put his things away. I only shook my head, watching her sleeping figure. "Better ask if Ellen or Myriam has something that might fit her." he said, pointing at my robes, which covered her nakedness. I nodded once again, glancing at Dr. White.

   "Will she be alright?" I asked, concern lacing my voice.

    "Yes, but she needs rest." The doctor said again, turning to leave. I watched him exit the manor before looking back at the sleeping woman. Letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding, I slowly walked towards the door. I placed my hand on the handle, hesitating, as I glanced in her direction. Knowing nothing bad will happen to her now, I walked outside to find Myriam and then to fetch my weapons I abandoned earlier.

      Yay! Another chapter done! Anyway, if there are any errors or something is incorrect, please tell me. I'm dyslexic and have a speaking impediment. Lucky me... I do appreciate tips and corrections. See ya next chapter!

     (The pic above is what I pictured Luna looking like. :) )



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