Chapter Eleven

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 I was walking around in a field of flowers and shrubs. It was beautiful here. Then a white figure makes his was into the scene, and says, "President Snow has told me to do this, as a warning to never repeat what happened two years ago" Then he pulls a ginormous gun out from behind him, and shoots my sister. She was so pretty, just sitting there on a rock. The sunlight making her skin glisten. She lets out a little gasp, when she saw the peackeeper, then she screamed when the gun was pulled out. She never will make another sound again. I look back at the peacekeeper, and his figure changes into a girl. Then a boy runs in from the distance. Her eyes are hallow, no color in them, dusty, and lacking sympathy. Katniss has the gun in her hands, and Peeta is holding a huge, bloody knife. I look back at my sister, but she has an arrow in her head now. "You did this! You killed an innocent little girl!" I scream. She gives me an evil smile, then simply walks away. I dart towards her, I am about two feet away from grabbing her tiny neck, when I turn into dust.

That was the terrible nightmare I just woke from. I am shaking like crazy, and tears are streaming from my eyes more than they ever have before. I cry loudly, so loudly that Ridonica tiredly walks in. "What the matter?"

"Just a bad dream." I will not let this Capitol woman know my secrets. Expecially ones about my sister. I cannot stop shaking, and the skin on my face is started to tighten from the salty tears.

She sits down beside me, "You can tell me, I will help."

"You wont help with anything but get me killed! You and all the stupid people from the Capitol! You all send us into the arena to die! You all killed my sister! You all had my sister murdered!"

She gasps. "That's what happened. Well I can assure you that we had no clue."

"That's not all! What about the people from Eleven or Twelve?! They starve everyday, I am sure, Thresh, Rue, Petta and Katniss, don't go a week without seeing a dead body! And you... you... you drink stuff that will make you throw up when you are full so you can eat more!" I am reminded of all the times I came here to see my aunt, and pretend to serve her. One time she held a party (she was very popular) and she asked me to serve at the party. There was vomit all over the bathrooms for the others to pick up. "You people are sick! All of you!"

"B-b-but.... we... dont know anything about the districs." Just the way she says districs, she says it with a sickened voice.

"Get out of here." My voice is shaky now.


"I said get out!" I scream. I am surprised peackeepers haven't come in to shoot me yet. Oh, but I am not good enough for that... I have to die a pain full death in the arena. I they will make sure that I will not make it out alive. I push Ridonica off my bed, she stands up, but doesn't move.

"I-I-I'm sorry, I didn't do anything though!" She sounds like a child. I am sick of her. I stand up, towering over her by at least a foot.

"Get out."

"No." I take a glance behind Ridonica's trembling body, and catch a glimps at my eyes in the mirror. Black. What is she doing? She is terrified of me!? I am now shaking out of anger. I lift my arm, and send it flying into her face, this sends her a good four feet backwards, crashing into my closet. I take a few slow steps forward, ready to kill, when my door opens. Brutis charges at me, and pins me down on the bed.

"Get out of here!" Clove cries to Ridonica. I guess this is what she meant when she said I have no control. Enorbaria rushes in, and Brutis steps aside, dumb mistake, I think. The second he lets go of me, I am hurdling towards Ridonica's cowering body. I am about to grab her blue neck when Clove jumps in front of her. Her eyes tightly close, waiting for the impact, but I stop immediately. That pause was just long enough for Enorbaria to grab my waste, and send me flying to my bed, hitting my head, hard, on a bar. She sits with her knees on my shoulders, pinning my upper body down, Brutis grabs my legs, and holds them still. This reminds me off Clove's stylists, with there tiny needle injections for her scar.

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