Firestar x Sandstorm

138 1 6

At least they had development

This ship doesn't really seem all that special to me. It's just an ordinary relationship with a bit of a bumpy start, but maybe that's what makes this ship nice. I think, that sometimes it's nice to have something ordinary mixed in with the chaos most fantasy books have. I am not disappointed nor pleased but I see the love, so that's what's important.

Pretty basic, no ranking.

(Authors note for new comers! IMPORTANT)


So this is just some basic stuff you need to know, at the end of each 'ship' I'll either give or not give a ranking based on how I feel about the ship. I do take requests so feel free to ask, I'll do... any ship that is requested. I'm also happy to hear about how you feel about each ship and what you think about what I think blah blah blah, just don't be too harsh please.

Anyways, enjoy and remember to vote, follow and comment for more! (I'm aware this isn't YouTube.)

A Couples' Rant- Warriors ShippingsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt