Blue Blurs Aren't As Sweet As Blue Berries In Dreams

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The world was spinning around him, the walls shaking from side to side as if they were dancing to the terrified thoughts protruding from him.

Tord was going to have to deal with Tom himself at one point anyways, so getting over with it was probably the best option. His legs felt oddly light and the hallway to the interrogation room felt oddly large. He shouldn't pay too much attention to it. He just needed to prove his... his...

Why can't he think straight?

Oh right, he just needed to prove his authority around here. Tord was still in power. Tom can't hurt him. Not again.

He placed a hand on the door knob. He felt like he wasn't strong enough to do anything more, but at least he was able to open the door to see Tom with the little strength he could muster up. He mentally kicked himself for that metaphor. Because metaphorically, he couldn't muster up the strength to do that. Metaphorically, that sort of entrance was too heavy. Because metaphorically, Tom probably never wants to see his face ever again.

Well, that last one one was overwhelmingly literal, actually.

After drawing in a breath, he pushed open the door and fixed his posture into something more confident and oh god - the chair was empty. "Hello?" Tord calls out dryly, feeling his stomach turn. He should have just left. That would have been easier. Get Paul and Patryk to help. Why did he have to say anything?

He turned his heels to leave but the door had shut. He quickly whipped back around again but now Tom had been in front of him, and definitely not tied up. His eyes seemed almost blacker than usual as they burned right through him. Tord felt lucky to not have just burst into flames at the glare he was receiving.

"How did you-" He backed up but Tom followed. He was somehow towering over Tord despite that he doesn't remember him ever being too much taller than him.
Tom grinned wide and clicked his tongue against his teeth as he pulled his hands out of the pocket of his hoodie only to clench his fists. Tord's back was against the wall now. He stared wide-eyed at the man who was barely an inch away from him now.

He was going to kill him successfully this time, wasn't he? Tord's a goner, isn't he?

Wind rushed past his ears as a fist smashed into the side of his head, making him stagger to the side as he attempted to stay standing. Without anytime to try to process what was happening and what to do about it, another fist uppercutted him in the jaw. His head slammed into the wall behind him. Tom was a blue blur at this point. Tord reached out his hand to try to stop him but the blue blur snatched at his wrist and pulled it above his head, tugging uncomfortably at his shoulder. Tord was panting now despite the fact that he hadn't been the one to throw punches back and forth - though Tom hadn't seemed the slightest bit exhausted.
Still holding his wrist upward, Tom hissed out words in what sounded like three voices at once; one was his own and one lighter, and the last wasn't his own either but was more towards the middle, but wasn't really deep. "We want nothing to do with you, you bastard."


Then it had registered in his head -The three voices were his friends. Tom, Edd, and Matt, all at once. Before Tord had any time to be notably horrified, he felt his wrist start to twist painfully under the blur's grasp. "We hate you," he spat. "Maybe if my aim had been a little better..." Now only Tom's voice spoke and Tord felt his eyes threaten tears. Please don't say it. "All of us would be a lot happier." There it was.

His wrist twisted even more and Tord yelped in pain as he struggled to pull away. "I know!" He winced and gave up trying to escape. "I know, I know..." He echoed and closed his eyes, finally allowing those tears to meet with their sweet relief of freedom "I'm sorry," The pain around his wrist was growing numb. Was Tom going to ruin this arm too? That would be okay if he did. He deserved that. He deserved this all. "I'm sorry." He repeats as he starts to open his eyes, tears webbed on his eyelashes.

Tom looked at him the same as he had before - cold, venomous even. "Then finish my job and die when you wake up."

When you wake up.

Tord's eyes shot open to focus on a man shaking his side a bit. Patryk. "He's up." Smiled Patyrk to his companion, Paul, waiting at the door.

He sat up tiredly but had to have help from Patryk so he didn't put too much pressure on his right arm. "Thanks," He mumbled and gave the two of them a smile. After what happened, the two pilots had become essential in his life; almost like parents. It started out as just needing some people to help him to maneuver around their site without hurting himself but he'd grown awfully attached to them, begging them to stay even when he was fine doing things on his own. He needed people in his life, as much as he hated to admit it.

"We gave the boy in the interrogation room some food. He didn't seem too happy to find out he was going to stay there over night." Patryk said as he eyed Tord's bandages. They would have to be changed soon.

Without thinking, he responded "Untie him but keep him in the interrogation room."

Paul's eyes widened from across the room. "But red leader-"

"If he attacks me when I come in, then he attacks me." He replied snappily, thinking back to his dream. He dreamt being attacked by Tom thousands of times within the span of the past few months to the point that the thought had become addicting. The thought of Tom inflicting more pain on him was dreadful but satisfying to say the least.

But he needs to work this out with him.

He needed to be something more to Matt and Edd again.

He needed to be something more to Tom

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