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I am lost.

I seek the hills and valleys

Of my youth.

My ears strain to hear the sound

Of Choirs.

My eyes long to see the green

Of the valleys,

And the grey of the mountains,

But they are lost

To me now.

I walk unsteadily

These days.

Through jungles

Of glass and concrete.

Where passers by

Are sightless.

Speaking soundlessly,

In clichés.

The green and the grey,

Are far from me now.

I chose to seek glory

On foreign streets.

Dressed in uniform

And lies.

I filled my cup

And drank greedily.

Not conscious

Of the poison I consumed.

The green and the grey no longer my home,

For I am lost.

                                        _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Owain Glyn

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