Come Death, Today, to my Affray!

419 52 91

My days are filled

With Physicians


Pseudo magicians

Hospital admissions

To sanitized


Populated by the hopeless.

I hear silver words

From educated throats

That know no more than I

But try

To smile



Conjuring with smoke.

Death!, I see you near

But do not fear 


Come into

The light

And fight me


For your prize.

For in the words

Of  Wales' own son

I shall not come

In silence,

But rage

And fight

To keep the light

Within these tortured eyes.

The Boatman

Gets no coin

From me

I'll travel free

The river Styx

For I have tricks

Up rotting sleeve

That even he will not believe!

And when I hear

The devil's song

Calling me

To join his throng

The song I'll sing

Will bring


To his realm!!!!

                                                       _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Owain Glyn

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