Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

The castle was practically buzzing with anticipation. The workers moved anxiously around, trying to ensure perfection for the King's arrival. The smell of fear was palpable, especially after the last incident. Blood had been shed that day.

The workers never used to fear the King. Respect him, sure. But never fear. He used to be a King that they could admire. He was strict, but fair, with a calm demeanor about him. He may have appeared as slightly rough around the edges, even cold at times, but he was anything but that. Deep down, he had a good heart.

That heart shattered and died when she did.

The Royal Beta Female looked in pity at the fearful workers as she strode through the halls of the medieval style castle. She smiled kindly at anyone who was brave enough to glance in her direction.

She had been a relief to them. She helped them in a lot of dire situations. Partially because she and her mate, the Royal Beta, showed them compassion anytime they needed anything. And half because she was the only one who could get through to the King.

Where everyone else walked on eggshells around him, she spoke her mind. If she feared him, she never let it show. Not that anyone believed that she did.

The funny thing was, if anyone else spoke to King Finnian the way she sometimes did, they would have their heart ripped out before they could blink. She was different though. She was special.

She was the late Queen's sister.

"How was he today, Vivian?" Selena questioned her nanny once she reached the nursery.

"He was a little fussy; I think he can sense the trepidation in the castle today."

"I wouldn't doubt it. My little monkey is a smart one. Don't tell Tyler, but he gets that from me." She chuckled.

She walked over to the crib that her four month old baby boy was lying in. He had a toy key in his mouth, gnawing on it furiously as he cut his very first tooth. He grinned up at her, a giggle of delight passing from his lips. It warmed her heart.

It felt bittersweet to her every time  she looked at her son. He looked just like Kendall. He had her wild dark curly hair, the thickest head of hair she had ever seen on a baby that young. He was born with big blue eyes, but they were starting to turn a light jade color just like her's. It was a beautiful reminder of her, but it also caused an ache in her heart that would never ease.

"Did he eat already?" Selena inquired after she picked him up from his crib and settled him on her hip.

"About an hour ago, Beta Selena."

"Okay, thanks again. You can leave for the day. King Finnian will be home soon; I'm sure you want to be long gone before then." She snickered, although it was more out of irony than humor.

"Are you sure you don't need me to watch him tonight? I figured you'd be busy speaking with the King."

"I will, but Lili and Brody agreed to watch him tonight. Thanks anyways Vivian; I appreciate it."

"Not a problem at all, Beta Selena. Goodnight." She wrapped her scarf around her neck, protecting her from the bitter cold front that had blown through. "Goodnight, little Kenny." She cooed as she lightly pinched his cheeks.

She smiled once more, then walked out of the room, leaving Selena and baby Kenny alone.

She sighed deeply, exhaustion weighing heavily on her shoulders.

It was crazy how much her life had changed in such a short span of time. She had to grow up from the immature child she was into the strong woman she had become. Her family needed her. 

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