Happy new years

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A/N: I was going to to a christmas story but I changed it to a new years one enjoy.

You, Kalinka and all of the robot masters from Cossack's line (Megaman 4 robot masters incase you didn't know.)
Were gathered around the center of the town with a bunch of other people waiting for the clock to strike 12:00. You were excited, and were sitting on top of DiveMan's shoulders. The chill winter air was perfect; not too cold not too hot.

"It's  a little cold out here but this is so worth. It's nice to spend time with you guys." You say, looking down at Skullman, who nodded his head in agreement.

"For once people can stop arguing about which robot master is the best." He glared at Ringman and Pharaoh Man, who just looked away.

"Hey now, this isn't the time to be scolding. When the clock strikes 12, we will put this year behind us, and look toward to the new future that waits for us."  Diveman huffed out, but gave a grin.

You nod, and look at the clock:

10 minutes before 12.

"Hey (Y/n)!" 

"Yes, Brightman?" You reply looking down at him with a grin.

"What is your new year's resolution?" 

"New year's resolution! I have one! I want to keep castle clean all year long. No messes or anything!" Dustman intervened in the conservation.

"And mines...wel-well I want to fix my 'deaf' issue." Toadman added, turning away.

"Well I'm sure we can-" As you began you were quickly interrupted.

"My new year's resolution is to find more treasure and to be a better leader! After all I am the leader of this team aren't I?

"Treasure seems like it would fit you. I guess you are the leader, Pharaohman." You chuckle lightly, and turn to Drillman who looked excluded.   "Drillman?"

"M-my news year's resolution is..." He glances down at his drills before looking back up. "I want hands. Like Crashman and Sparkman, I cannot pick up things, and I'd like to. Maybe then I could be a little less destructive."

"Drillman,I'm sure we can get Daddy to fix you." Kalinka squeaked, hugging him.

"Kalinka right. You have to ask him" You add, smiling at drillman who just nods.

"Thank you, (Y/n) and Kalinka."

"No problem." You both say in unison.

"Well if you wondering about MY new year's resolution is...for me  to become a better detective of course! I want to show those bad guys no mercy!" Ringman held a Ring into the sky and laughed loudly, earning attention from the  few people around them.  He blushed, and turned away from the crowd.

"What about you, Brightman?" You ask, placing your arms on Diveman's head then place your chin on your arms.

"Me? Well...I want to able to shorten my lectures." His light shined brightly as he grinned almost blinding you.

"Ah...too bright..." You mutter, looking away. "Diveman. What about you?"

"Ah..but (Y/)-" Brightman began before getting interrupted.

"Mines is to try and get over my motion sickness and to have less arguments with Pirateman. Damned guy wants to sail the seas and believe that the sea is just something to be sailed across, but it is not! The sea is a vast place where many creatures of the ocean live their daily lives! He has yet to see the true beauty of the ocean!"

Megaman one shots On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara