Jupiter x reader

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Requested by: FNAF_forever_384 

This story starts on a lovely sunday morning. (Y/n) was sitting in the park on a bench. The air smelled of freshly cut grass, and the birds sung their daily song while the tree leaves danced in the wind. (Y/n) was reading a book while she waited Quickman, and Bass were going to retrieve Wily's most top secret item......

"I'll pay for the ice cream!" You could hear Bass scream at Quickman.
"No! You're too slow!" Quickman rebutted, and took the cash from him.  Soon after they began to fight like little children. You finally slam you book shut, get up and take the cash from them and get the ice cream.  You turn around and look at both of them.
"Was that so hard!? You guys act like fricken five year olds!"
They looked away from each other, and has their arms crossed. "He started it!"
"Excuse me! You were the one who said-"
"Shut up! The both of you! I don't wanna  hear it! Let's get this ice cream back to Wily before it melts!!" You shout, and begin to walk back, with Bass and Quickman following close behind.

When you get back to Wily's Castle you notice a strange ship.
"What the heck is that?" You ask, turning towards Bass and Quickman who also look very puzzled.
"Dunno, Let's go check it out!" Quickman dashed away before you could stop him.
"But Wily couldn't make such a contraption like that!?...could he?"
"I'm not sure she but let's go!" Bass followed the path Quickman took, and you just sigh. You were going to follow them, but got dragged back some. Two robots that you never seen jumped out of the ground. One of them looked like a bull, and the other one looked like a Fish.
"Ye matey, We caught a live one!"
"Let's take her back with us, She'll make a perfect hostage!" 
You do a backflip and kick the Robot that was holding you hostage.
"Hell no! Who do you think you are!? Picking on a defenseless girl!!" 
"Aye! She's a fightin' one!" He fired his cannon at you, as you dodged to get out of the way. The Salt Water instead hit the robot standing behind you.
"Neptune what the heck!!!?"  He said, falling to the ground.
"Sorry Mars, I'm trying to hit the girl!"
'Another one? Oh boy.'
Neptune replied, shooting at you again.
You tried throwing your book at him, but it did not phase him at all. 
"Neptune let's fight together! She won't stand a chance against us!" The Bull one said, charging up. (Ya know what Bulls do  when they are preparing to run,)
"Aye matey Uranus! Let's do it."
You back away slowly. I can't take on them! I could barely dodge that guy's moves!  
He charges at you, while Neptune fired his Salt Water. You stood there like a Deer frozen in time. 
"Stay right there, this fight will be over soon."
Shoot...here it comes! My end is near! 
You pulls up into a defensive posture, preparing for him.
You feel a presence and heard a 'clanking' noise. You stand still for a second before looking up to see Bass.
"Run, (Y/n)! Hurry!"
You nod and run for your life. You almost trip, but keep running.
"Mars go after her! Quickly!" Neptune glares at Bass. "We will take care of him."
Mars nod and speeds after you.
"Damn it! (Y/n).." Bass dashes up and kicks Neptune in the face then fires at him.  Uranus hits him in the back, and he falls in the ground...
You are out of breath, and made it into the city. Nothing is good here either because You see Light's line also fighting off those crazy robots. 
You sneakily make your way to an allly and hide there. 
No one will find me... No one will find me...
You hear feel the ground shake and see Fireman flying towards the ally, however he did not hit it, but instead hit the hall beside it.
Fireman!! I..i can't go! I can't go out there! I'm scared.... I don't wanna get hurt....  but...My friends are in trouble!
"I'm going to ask you one more time! Where is (y/n)!?"
"Fireman, No!" You shout, coming out from the ally, coming face to with the Stardroid. He only smirked, and whipped his tail.
"You are (y/n)!! Finally!" Droppin Fireman, he walks over to you and Examines you.
"I am (y/n). Call off your friends, and I'll go peacefully."
"(Y-y/n) you...can't! I ain't finished fightin' this..."
You look at him for a second, before looking back at the stardroid.
"Fireman...You've done...enough...okay?"
"Terra, I've found her. I'm sending you the location now." The feline said, pressing a few buttons on his device.
"Heck...If I could just..."
"This..is goodbye, Fireman.." You smile at him, as the one known as Terra appears right before you.
"You must be-"
"Quite!" He hissed, grabbing your chin and looking at you straight in the eyes.  He examined you, before putting a device on you.
"Pluto, tell everyone to get back to the ship. The mission is complete."
The feline nods, and dashes away. Terra teleports out, taking you along.

Megaman one shots Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ