Students chuckled and applauded, but Avery was annoyed that yet another one of her history classes was wasted. If any of the students actually opened the history textbook then they would know the dates too. Avery sighed and began to pack up her books, her life was beginning to feel like some crappy tv show.

Mr Tanner approached her desk, "Miss Salvatore?"

Avery looked up at him, "Yes, Mr Tanner?"

"I understand that you are working ahead of the rest of the class and wanted to let you know that if you need any extra resources then just let me know."

Avery smiled at him, "Thank you, Mr Tanner."

"I'm just doing my job, Miss Salvatore."

Sure, Tanner could be an ass, but at least he recognised when his students wanted more than the small town life.


Stefan and Avery were sat on the bleachers watching the football team practice. She was proud of herself for spending so much time with Stefan. In a messed up kind of way, Avery hoped that by doing so Stefan would feel more guilty about any attempt to kill her. Almost in the same way that you're told to humanise yourself when held at gunpoint, talk about your family and your dreams and goals. It was a twisted mindset, but she just wasn't able to swiftly move past that fact that Stefan was a thing of nightmares.

"You should try out, you know." Avery said.

Stefan looked at her, "Why?"

"Well, since you're hellbent on living a 'normal teenage life' you might as well get involved in the normal regime of teenagers." She laughed.

Stefan smiled at her.

"Maybe I will. Why aren't you involved in 'the normal regime of teenagers'?" Stefan asked, using air quotes as he recycled her words.

"What, you mean sports?" She laughed.

"Yeah. Elena is rejoining cheerleading, maybe you should join her. Or are you 'hellbent on not living a normal teenage life'?" Stefan questioned with a smile.

"Haha, funny guy. My lungs don't cooperate under the pressure of doing anything other than breathing normally. The perks of being asthmatic, huh?" She sent him a small smile.

Stefan stared back at her, analysing her face. Avery's smile faded at his look.

"What?" She asked, self-consciously. Perhaps she had overshared.

"Nothing... I guess I just realised that, despite the fact we're related, I don't know anything about you." Stefan murmured awkwardly.

"There's not much to know, Stefan. Small town girl living with her dad in a home invaded by her two vampire relatives." She trailed off, but suddenly felt bold enough to ask, "Though if you're willing to tell me, I'd love to hear about your life. You've lived through so many eras that I can only ever dream about seeing. The history textbooks don't tell you what it was like to actually be there..." Avery smiled, her eyes connecting with Stefan's.

"If I tell you my story, I want to hear yours in return. I really am sorry that you've been thrown into this mess without any say. It's hard for me to understand what it's like for you." Stefan smiled back.

Avery shrugged.

"It's not all bad. My dad has always been there for me, and I suppose I can trust you more than Damon. I haven't really ever had, or needed, anyone else." Avery smiled a more genuine smile at the thought of her father. Stefan could tell that he meant a lot to her.

"Anyway, you really should go and talk to Mr Tanner about the team." Avery changed the subject off of her, feeling strange that someone other than her dad actually wanted to know about her. It was sad, sure, but Avery didn't have any real interest in making ties here. She wanted to finish high school, go to college and live her life away from Mystic Falls.

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