••• Forty-One •••

Start from the beginning

Taylor cocks her head to the side, hands on her hips now as she looks to the wedding photo on the wall of Nixon and me.

It happens fast, how one moment she is standing in clear view and the next the picture of my wedding is on the floor, taken from the wall and glass shattering as I hitch my breath. Taylor looks to me next, about to charge, only for Terrance to tackle the young woman I once would call my sister. Taken to the ground, they avoid the glass, Taylor screaming for him to get off of her as she kicks and claws her way. She's human though, nothing more but a mere human with a werewolf on top of her, holding her down because she attacked his Alpha. Her eyes meet mine and I can only see the flame of anger and hate reflected.

"You took him from me," she screams, her eyes watering as I hold my head high. "You and that dead husband of yours, you took the man I loved from me like some sick savages from the wild. I loved him and he died without justice." Terrance gets Taylor to her feet, holding her hands behind her back as he pulls out a pair of handcuffs, waiting on my approval to call for the authorities. "Nixon deserved the death that awaited him. Another murderer and criminal dead at the hands of a long-awaited justice, and here you are, with this new so-called lover of yours. What were you two doing before I got here, planning some satanic ritual?"

"Call the authorities," I order one of the warriors entering the room, her green eyes meeting mine as she nods and gets out her phone, reporting Taylor as an intruder on private property and destroying property. It doesn't matter what Taylor is arrested for though, it doesn't matter if she murdered someone or has just spray-painted the side of a building because with my title, I could lock her up for a very long time. Will I? No, for that is a misuse of power and not needed whatsoever. What I will do is try and get her help for the short temper she has and have her learn the proper way to deal with people you dislike. She has a life before her and I believe that if she gets help, her life could turn around for the best and one day she may thank me as our children grow up together. It is much to ask for, but it is worth the risk.

"Mom and dad are done with you," Taylor snaps, spitting at me as she finished her comment. I simply turn around, leaving the room as she doesn't bother saying another word.

As the sirens come in the silence of the evening and soon enough the windows let in the illuminating lights of the police, I watch as an officer that is also part of Crimson Lock comes to the front door, Terrance handing over Taylor as the officer doesn't bother for any statements. The corruption of justice is seen right here, how your loyalty is simply what defines your morals, impacting them as Taylor will witness first hand that I now help run the city because the vast majority belongs to Crimson Lock. Nixon left me with so much more than a title and pack to run, but a town to practically own and have the final say in much of what they do.

As the night comes and the house becomes silent once more, I find myself sitting in the office of the house, looking to the guest sitting in front of me as he taps his fingers to some song. "Tell me, Lily," Elijah begins, resting his chin on his hand as his eyes scan the books upon the shelves covering the west wall. "Well, first, I must ask because simply it is something I have been wanting to get off of my chest the moment we met, but in your opinion, do you think Nixon could of ever harmed of pregnant woman?"

"Why do you ask?" He's got my full attention.

"I know Zion stopped by a few weeks before Nixon perished, paying you a visit as he wanted to kill you." Elijah smirks. "Zion had spoken with me afterwards, telling me he did not mind having the blood of a human woman and her unborn child on his hands, but what mattered was having Nixon live through pain for the rest of his life."

"The point of this conversation?" I ask, not liking where this conversation is going.

"Zion had it in him, enough of those corrupt morals, to try and kill a pregnant woman. Zion's soul was damned enough to intend to do so, yet, do you think, Nixon ever would?"

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