She didn't want those princesses to know she had been crying or anything. She didn't want to give them that satisfaction.

"No", Asami said. "You look good".

Korra nodded, getting up.

"Alright. C'mon".

She helped Asami up. Korra closed her eyes and took a deep breath then released.

"I wanna talk to them", she said.

Asami's eyes widened a bit.

"Are you sure??".

Korra nodded. "Yeah".

Korra went to walk back inside.

"Korra", Asami said.

Korra turned back around and looked at the raven haired princess.


"You were wrong about not having a backbone", Asami said. "

Korra gave her a confused look.

"What do you mean??".

Asami stepped up closer. "I mean you could have done anything. You could've argued with her. You could've gotten angry and told them off and get sassy with them or insult them for their words. You could've hit her. But you didn't. You were kind to them".

Asami grinned. "You didn't sink to their level of immaturity and rudeness. You may have let them get to you but that's okay. It happens. What they said to you, given your life experiences, is something that could hurt anyone and upset anyone. I don't blame you for getting upset. If I went through what you did and someone told me that stuff, I'd be crying too".

Korra gave her a look. "I tried to kill myself, Asami".

"Words can kill, Korra", Asami reminded her, "and you've been told that stuff a million times before".

Korra crossed her arms. "Which means I should be used to it by now".

"Everyone has a breaking point", Asami said. "And you're no exception. I guess you just couldn't ignore the words any longer and they probably really hurt to hear, right??".

Korra nodded. "They felt like knives. I didn't want them to hurt me but they did. I couldn't not believe it. I've thought those things before and just hearing them voiced by a stranger just hurt".

"But like I said", Asami said. "You didn't sink to their level. You were kind to them when they didn't deserve it. That's strength, Korra. You're strong. You've been through crap and you're still here, smiling and being the kindest person I know. Most people I know would let their hearts be hardened by these things just to keep themselves going".

Asami shook her head, smiling.

"But not you. You bounce back. You're still kind and good and you try to move past these things even when you can't completely. You still try. Like you said to the little girl, these experiences made you stronger as a person. You're able to know what it feels like to be treated poorly and to have no one and nothing. So then, you're able to be compassionate to others and to understand their struggles".

Asami nudged Korra gently, making the shorter girl smile.

"If that's not strong, then I don't know what is".

"Thanks, Asami", Korra said.

"No problem. Now C'mon".

Korra and Asami walked into the ballroom. The warmth of the room engulfed them both. Korra smiled.

The Princess and The Servant Where stories live. Discover now