Chapter Forty Two: I know what you're going to say.

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Hiro was getting sick and tired of waking up feeling like crap. Not only did he have a raging headache, but he felt like someone had put him under a heat lamp from one of the local fast food chains and left him there. Not fun. His skin hurt, stinging like someone had slathered him with chili peppers and bleach. And it was far from pleasant.

"Hello, Hiro," Baymax greeted. "Would you like a drink of water?"

Boy did he ever! Hiro thought as he struggled to sit up. It took him a moment to realize he wasn't in the customary pajamas, but an oversized t-shirt and shorts, covered with a sheet. Okay, that was not cool. And his skin felt sticky, like someone really had slathered something all over it. Probably aloe, if he knew his brother. "Yeah, water would be good," he managed, coming back to the present.

Baymax handed him a partially filled glass of what looked like a sports drink. That wasn't surprising, since he probably needed to re-balance his electrolytes. At least that's what he figured the robot would tell him. It wasn't the first time he'd come up dehydrated. Then his mind hit the pause button as he remembered the recent taste of a survival pack with the most awful flavor. He eyed the cup suspiciously.

"Do not be alarmed," Baymax said, correctly guessing at his hesitancy. "It is not a survival pack from Davish 7."

A little reassured, Hiro took a sip. And found Baymax wasn't lying, not that he thought he would lie, but still. It had a lemon-lime flavor to it, though, which wasn't exactly his favorite, but he wasn't going to complain. "I gotta stop waking up like this," he moaned as he set the cup down.

Tadashi was right. He was just about as red as a tomato. Thankfully that was only true of parts of him, mostly his arms and lower legs. And his face. Totally not cool. But at least he wasn't burned where his clothes had covered him. All the same, it sucked.

"You are lucky you did not suffer from heat stroke," Baymax observed. "However, you are dehydrated and have sustained first degree burns on your arms, legs, and face."

Hiro let out a weighted sigh as he slid his feet to the floor. "Tell me something I don't know. At least I think I've figured out what I was supposed to."

Baymax moved back a few paces so the boy could get up. "What do you believe the alien entity was trying to tell you?"

Knowing the robot would hear him, Hiro headed towards the bathroom to change into something a little more his style, taking care of some business while he was in there. "Tadashi has to die," he said with a hitch in his breath. "But it can't be in just any old way. It has to happen like it did the first time. Everything has to happen like it did the first time. If it doesn't, well, I'm not sure what will happen."

Hiro reentered the main room with the bottle of aloe, which he took to his computer desk. He wished there was a way to make his sunburn heal faster but slathered on the sticky stuff anyway. It made him twitch a bit, though.

"And have you discovered a way to reset the timeline so that you can return things to how they were?" Baymax moved to watch the boy's applications, not offering to help. Hiro seemed quite intent on doing it on his own.

Leaning back against the backrest, Hiro shook his head. "No. Short of doing something really stupid, I have no idea."

Baymax seemed to consider that for a moment. "It would be wise to not do anything reckless," he agreed. "Perhaps Tadashi can be of assistance in this matter."

Hiro rolled his eyes. "And tell him what, exactly? That I'm a time traveling idiot who needs to go back to the beginning to fix a problem that will lead to his death? He'll think I'm crazy."

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