"Alright, everything's a little busy right now because we're working on a few songs and everything." He shrugged "Want to go get something to drink?"

"Ya." I nodded and we both stood and walked to the counter side by side. I felt Niall's pinky rub against my hand lightly and I quickly moved further away from him

We stood in the short line before it was sour time to order, I grabbed my drink and tried to pay but Niall wouldn't let me. We went back to our table and sat down drinking our drinks and looking around the little café at anything but each other until Niall broke the awkwardness and began talking.

"Why are we so tense around?" He sounded more like he was muttering to himself but I know he wanted the message to get sent to me too. "I mean look at us, it's been a little over two years, when we used to not see each other for one day we used to have so much to tell each other and now when we should have so many stories we don't even talk."

Oh trust me, I have plenty things to tell you.

"I know, pretty sad, eh?" He nodded and held my eye contact for a moment before I looked down at my  cup, running my finger around the lid.

"Maybe we should've done something more fun than got coffee, I know I said just coffee but do you want to walk around the park or something, it's Saturday we could go to the mall?" He offered smiling slightly

"Um, one second." I grabbed my phone and texted Louis

To Louis- Hey Lou, the whole coffee things not really going so well. Would you care if we took a little longer?

He replied right away..

Louis- Of course, love don't rush. Have a good time, I don't have any plans today:)

I smiled and slid my phone into my pocket.

"Where should we go?" I asked Niall who snapped his attention from his cup to me, his face lit up and he grinned.

"Where ever you'd like to, doesn't have to be the park or mall those were ideas when I thought you were going to say no." He blushed

"Hmm, how about pizza and then we'll take it from there." I said in thought

"Great! I was hopping you'd say something about food." He jumped up

"I knew you would be." I chuckled trailing behind him towards the door. We both threw away our empty cups on the way out the door.

"My cars at my house, want to take your car?" He walked closely to me as we stepped onto the sidewalk.

"I don't want to drive." I groaned

"Then I'll drive for you." He smirked grabbing my keys from my hand "You'll never change." He laughed

"Nope." I nodded in agreement

We got into my car and Niall started it then drove off towards our favorite pizzeria, I love how he still remembers. Maybe he didn't forget about me as much as I thought he did.

But then I remind myself, I begged him not you but he still left.

I frowned at myself and focused back on the road and things we passed.

"Earth to Martha. We're here." I blinked realizing we were parked in the parking lot of the pizza place and the car was already off.

"Sorry. Zoned out." He chuckled and got out of the car jogging around it to let me out

"Thanks." I smiled getting out of the car

 We walked into the restaurants side by side, it was quiet inside the pizza place and it smelt yummy.

It Doesn't Matter, You Still LeftWhere stories live. Discover now