Chapter One: Invitation (cont.)

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"Good to know I'm some form of amusement." Felix said as Mark parked the car, shut off the engine, and tore the keys from the ignition. "So this is it? The legendary Fischbach estate?"

"Eh, it's nothing much... I was broke as fuck when I bought this place." Mark said as he threw his door open and stepped out. "Never got around to moving, so instead I just upgraded what I've got already." He walked around the front of the car, then opened the door for Jack. "It ain't much, but it's home..."

"Oh, but jus' wait til ya see tha inside!" Jack twisted around to look at Felix before he stepped out. Being the gentleman he is, Mark also opened the door for Felix. "Markimoo here is quite the interior decorator!"

"Oh, stop it." Mark chuckled, his cheeks flushed at Jack's comment.

Felix stepped out of the car, nearly tripping.

"You okay?" Mark asked, his arm jerking forward in case he needed to catch the Swedish Tuber.

"Yeah..." Felix muttered, awkwardly trying to stand back up. "I'm okay..."

"Yeah, probably shoulda warned ya about the weird drop in tha concrete there... I almost busted my arse the first time I stepped outta his car, too." Jack said, gently tapping Felix's shoulder.

"Thanks for warning me." He laughed, following the couple into the house. "So where's Nate?"

"He's inside, probably playing the guitar." Mark said as he opened the door, and the trio was greeted by a slobbering, yipping, and butt-wagging Chica. "Hey, puppy-wuppy-poo!" Mark's face broke into a wild grin as he fell to his knees, rubbing his beautiful puppy behind her fluffy ears.

"Hey, Chicachee!" Jack cooed as the puppy jumped up to greet him. "Whatcha up ta, puppy?"

Felix watched as the two gushed over the dog, and he was eventually on his knees too, loving onto the irresistible puppy. "How's it going, Chica?" He smiled, holding out his fist as if he were brofisting the dog. "I'm PewDiePie!"

Chica covered Felix's fist with slobber, her brown eyes shining.

"That works too." He chuckled, rubbing his hand on the hem of his jacket.

"Who's my baby?" Mark kissed Chica's nose, hugging her neck. The dog turned her head, trying to kiss her "father's" nose.

"Hey, Mark, where's the chips?" The trio heard from the kitchen, making their gaze snap up as a tall, darkly-clothed male of about 25 walked in, wiping his glasses on the hem of his shirt. He stopped when he saw Felix, his near-black eyes lighting up. "Oh my god, oh my god! Holy shit! PewDiePie?" He gasped, placing his glasses on his face as he rushed over to shake hands with the infamous Swedish YouTuber. "This is such an honor!"

"Likewise!" Felix said as he took Nate's hand, grinning.

"Dude, I've watched so many of your videos it's not even funny," Nate chuckled, his lips curled in a grin as he looked up. "You are a lot taller than I thought you were! How tall are you?"

"Five eleven. You?"

The singer/YouTuber laughed. "Five seven."

"Damn son! You need to grow some more!" Felix joked, surprised to turn and notice that Mark and Jack were gone. "Where the fuck did they go?"

"They probably went to their room to change. Didn't they tell you that we're making a video?"

"Oh, shit..." Felix glanced down at his jacket, which was stained in several places. "I don't think I'm-"

"Don't worry... It's a livestream." Nate said, as if this was nothing. Felix hated livestreams! There was so much that could go wrong, and there was no editing, no changing what happened... What happened was automatically uploaded to YouTube for fans to see.

"Uh-" Felix began, but Nate pressed a finger to his lips.

"Just go with it. I promise it won't get too crazy."

That uneasy feeling reappeared in the depths of Felix's gut. What is with these guys? They have all been acting weird...

"Come on, let's get to the recording studio." Nate said as he linked arms with Felix.

"Don't you have a girlfriend?"

"I had a girlfriend." Nate said as they began up the stairs. "You've probably heard of her... Morgan Want?"

"Sorry, but no.."

"You're fine. I honestly don't want you to know her." He said with a dry chuckle. "It' just wasn't working out between us... And she was getting jealous of how much time I was spending with Mark and Jack, accusing me of cheating on her with the two."

"Accusing you?"

"To be honest, the accusations were true." Nate pushed a door open and ushered Felix inside. "But I was only experimenting at the time. Then- it kinda became more than experimenting after she dumped me."

"Marzia wouldn't mind if I experimented, as long as I stayed loyal to her."

"Good." Nate said in a strange tone that Felix couldn't decipher.

" Nate said in a strange tone that Felix couldn't decipher

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