You giggled and said,"Sorry, I had to make sure it was tight enough other wise it'll slide off." Laito chuckled and he offered his arm and said,"Shall we?" You took it and said,"We shall." The two of you then started to walk around the festival for a while. Laito picked up pink lip stick and he said,"Doll-chan, look up for a second." You looked up to him and Laito gently applied the lip stick on your lips. The shop keeper said,"Do you want to see?" The shop keeper gave you a hand mirror and you looked at your reflection.

You said,"Wow, I love it." Laito said,"We'll take it." The shop keeper nods her head and she gave you the lipstick. You and Laito then walked around the festival for a while and then the two of you watched the fireworks in the night sky.


It was the new year and that means a fresh start for, your father and Ayame. When you got to the festival grounds with Subaru, your father handed you over some money and said,"Here you go (Y/n), don't go spending too much now." You smiled and said,"Thanks Dad." Subaru nods his head and he had a hint of blush on cheeks because you had to make him wear a kimono for the festival. (D/n) barked happily and you said,"Thanks again Dad, see ya."

You took Subaru's hand you took him around the festival. Subaru looked at you and he said,"You're enjoying yourself aren't you?" You smiled and said,"I haven't been to a festival since mom passed away so it's been a while." Subaru smiled at your cute reaction and said,"By the way, you look beautiful in the yukata." You smiled and said,"Thank you." You were wearing a light blue kimono with a few dark blue flower pattern on it to try and slightly match up with Subaru's Kimono and your hair was tied back in a bun and you wore a light blue flower hair pin. (See picture above for the colour of Subaru's kimono.)

After having a look at some of the stalls for a while, you and Subaru were sitting on the lake's port staring at the lake's horizon where the two of you could see the fireflies. (D/n) was chasing them and the both of you laughed at him. Just then you saw the lanterns in the lake and you said,"Well, it's time to release ours." Subaru looked at you confused and you then got the lantern from the shopping bags. Subaru said,"What's going on?" You said,"Around this time, those who have lost the ones they loved come here to light their lanterns and send them off in this lake."

Subaru was surprised at this and he said,"Is that so?" You looked at Subaru with a smile and said,"Would you like to send this one off with me Subaru?" Subaru nodded his head. You lit the lantern and then the both of you gently placed the lantern in the water. The both of you gently pushed the lantern and it floated towards the other lanterns. You thought to yourself,"Goodbye mom.."

Subaru held your hand and he said,"Hey (Y/n), can we do this year?" He says with a hint of blush on his cheeks. You smiled and said,"I would like that, Tsubaru." Suabru glared at you and he said,"I thought I told you not to call me that- hmp?!" You cut off his sentence by kissing his lips. You smiled and said,"Hehe, sorry Subaru, it's hard to resist that reaction of yours sometimes." A are smile appeared on his face and Subaru then presses his forehead against yours and he said,"Happy new year, (Y/n)." You pressed your forehead against his so that your noses were touching and you said,"Happy new year, Subaru."



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2017 ⏰

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