"Good morning!" Sunrise called, waving her ginger tail.

            "I talked to Anna yesterday," Fawn explained.

            "Oh. What about?"

            "I dreamt some weird stuff," Fawn admitted.

            "Like what?" Sunrise asked.

            Fawn shrugged. "It was dark. I couldn't really see. I saw some trees, I guess? But really all I could see were a pair of eyes, or maybe they weren't eyes."


            "Yeah. They were glowing red. But then again, Anna said it might've just been some colors. Red eyes though. Can you imagine?"

            Sunrise laughed. "Seems like an unfortunate eye color."

            "I asked Anna what it meant, but she wasn't sure. She said something about light in the darkness. Maybe it's symbolic or something."

            "You don't seem as frightened by your dreams," Sunrise admitted. She regretted the words as soon as she spoke them.

            Fawn wasn't angry though. Instead, she smiled.

            "Yeah. Anna's been a real help. The dreams are becoming more vivid now. Sometimes, I can see cats, full detail cats, hunting or chatting. They're usually in one spot, but sometimes I've seen different parts of the forest."

            "That's awesome!" Sunrise exclaimed. "Are they excellent hunters?"

            "I don't always see hunting, but yeah, I think so. Once, I could see their pile of food. It was huge, Sunrise! It was all fresh food, like mice and squirrels. It's amazing that they could catch something like that."

            "Does that mean anything?"

            Fawn shook her head. "Anna says that StarClan has given me the gift to see the clans from my home. Sometimes my dreams mean something, but no cat has spoken to me. The dream I spoke to Anna about was odd though. I had never had such a blurry dream, not since my kithood. Oh well. Want to go see her? She said she'd tell us about clan cats."

            "Sure!" Sunrise agreed, leaping up onto her fence.

            She followed Fawn on the wooden fence, grinning. It was great to have a friend to keep her company. They'd grown closer near the end of winter, often visiting Anna to listen to her stories.

            Though they weren't much of kits anymore, they still enjoyed playing with each other and tussling about.

            From the distance, Sunrise could spot Anna's home. She could spot the gray paint and the red-colored roof.

            "Come on!" Fawn called, leaping down into Anna's backyard.

            Sunrise followed, landing in a pile of snow.

            "Aw, yuck!" Sunrise gagged, wiping wet snow from her pelt. Fawn giggled, ducking as Sunrise shook her pelt to send snow flying everywhere.

            "Fawn, Fawn is that you?!" came an old raspy voice.

            Sunrise turned, watching as the old brown tabby padded out from behind a bush, her green eyes lighting up as she spotted the two.

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