Chapter 1: Invitation

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Felix sat at his computer, smiling as he skimmed through congrats from his fans. It warmed his heart to know people cared, that people actually did watch his videos, that he actually was famous. There were so many people who sent in videos of themselves thanking him, encouraging him to get another 50,000,000 subscribers. Even Mark, Jack and Nate had sent him their best wishes.

He grinned, stretching his arms above his head as he watched his notifications continue to explode. A warm sense of pride filled his chest as he stood, leaving the computer be as he headed into the kitchen. Marzia was out with Maya and Edgar, leaving the apartment they were renting for now to him. "What to do, what to do..." He muttered to himself as he tried to think of a way to occupy his time. That's when he heard the doorbell ring.

"Coming!" He shouted, attempting a parkour-like jump over the couch, just barely managing to heave himself over the back of the couch before flinging open the door. He was greeted by a bright red floof of hair and a bright green floof of hair. "Hey, what's up, bros?"

"Hey!" Mark grinned, embracing Felix. "Just came to congratulate you on your major upgrade!"

"Thanks, dude, I really appreciate it." Felix said, accepting Jack's hug next.

"Do ya think ya can sneak away from yer girl fer a bit tonight? Markimoo, Nate an' I planned a party fer ya!" Jack pulled away from Felix, automatically lacing his fingers with Mark's. Felix remembered the huge reaction when Jack and Mark came out to their viewers, saying Septiplier was official. Jack even left everything behind in Ireland to move to America to stay with his boyfriend. Felix had came down to L.A to spend some time with his friends

"I dunno when Marzia will be back, but I'm sure she'll let me hang out with you guys." Felix smiled, unable to ignore the men's locked fingers. "What did you guys have planned?"

"Eh, just a little celebration... Nothing too big." Mark said with a little chuckle, enunciating his words with a cocked eyebrow that made Jack punch his shoulder. That only made Mark laugh even more.

"Oh," Felix said simply, nodding. "Alright, sure! I'll come over. Is it tonight?"

"Whenever yer able ta come over."

"You guys might have to drive me... Marzia's got the car..." Felix said, nodding his head in the direction of the garage.

"Well, go get ready, an' we'll be waiting in tha car fer ya!"

* * * * * * *

Felix texted a quick message to Marzia, briefly telling her where he was going and he'd probably be back before long. He didn't feel like wasting time with a note. He was ready to go and ready to go now. Flinging his favorite black jacket over his broad shoulders, he made his way out to the car, ducking into the back seat. "It's about time we did something together without making a video, huh Felix?" Mark smiled, glancing back at Felix as he put the car in reverse and backed out of the driveway.

"Yeah." Was all he said as he watched the world roll by, the window reflecting in his blue eyes.

"Mark, yer seatbelt." Jack chided, making Mark groan and roll his eyes.

"Jack, stop it. You act like you're my wife or something." Mark chuckled, holding the wheel in one hand while he snatched up his belt with the other.

"Well, at least I'm tha wifey who cares about yer neck." Jack said with a snicker, but he leaned over to place a wet kiss on his boyfriend's cheek.

"Aw, love you, Kitten." Mark said, his eyes glued to the road ahead of them.

"Love ya too, ya big ol' beefcake."

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