Move On

12 2 0

Remember you said you loved me?
Before I could read your lies.
Now you get your stuff in the box in the corner,
And get out by the end of the night.
And take with you my journal,
It's all about you anyway-
I don't want it anymore,
There's nothing left to say.
I'll admit it always felt wrong,
But life is never right.
And even in all the good days-
The laughs were hiding fights.
Hearts can split in half,
They scream and no one can hear-
But no one ever notices
Unless they see the tears.
Some things are unforgivable
I bet you would never want me to know-
But all of that's done and passed,
And it's time for you to go.

I'm back. I had to start writing again, I couldn't help it. They may not be as good because I'm trying to steer away from the previously mentioned topic, but I know I will have to write about her. Thank you for waiting loves <3

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