A break

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I'm sorry guys, but I just yesterday lost my best friend to suicide. She was so beautiful but she could not see it. She hates herself for being someone she was not. I loved her. I still love her. I cannot write. This is the girl from my poem "for J.M" she was everything. Instantaneously she became nothing. Suicide is a very real issue. It effects everyone. I will not be writing for a while. Maybe only a few days, maybe a long while. I'm not entirely sure. All I would write about if this, and I can't. The pain is too fresh. I'm sorry, but I don't think I've ever felt this level of pain, and I wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy. I'm sorry if you've ever had to feel that way. The world lost an amazing person. But, she will be remembered in light.
There is something that would mean a lot to me. If you could all just take a pen and for a few days, one day, or even only a few hours wrote a semi colon on your wrist and leave it. ( ; ). The semi colon is the symbol for suicide prevention. It marks how an author could have ended their sentence, and it would be much easier, but they continued it and found a way to keep going. That's what we all must do in our lives. This part would mean a lot, but you don't have to- place the letters RIL underneath the semi colon. RIL stands for "remember in light." It means we will remember her as the happy, loving, caring girl she once was, not her pain in the end. Everyone has a breaking point. But we have to remember her for who she was in the good times, and honor her, while still

respecting the bad. Thank you for your support. I hope to be writing again soon, but I'm sorry I have to stop for a while.

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