3~ When to Let Go

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Some people believe holding on and hanging in there are signs of great strength. However, there are times when it takes much more strength to know when to let go and then do it.

~ Ann Landers


Jake dragged Jenna back full of back talk and empty threats all the way out of the building. It wasn't until he brought her outside that she realized there was no more joking around. She stopped mid-cuss when she saw the disaster before her eyes.

"Man. It's like Call of Duty hard core," she said. Jake ignored her as he pulled out his radio.

"This is Riley. I need transportation at Richter and Boundary street," but all he got in return was static, "Officer to Central, do you copy? I need transportation at Richter and Boundary Street," but nothing. Jenna rolled her eyes.

"If these guys are smart, then they cut everything. Phones, radio, any means of communication possible," she said.

"And how would you know that?" Jake asked suspiciously.

"That's what they do in every terrorist flick," she replied. It was Jake's turn to roll his eyes.

"Did I mention you have the right to remain silent?" he asked her.

"Well, what good is that going to do me? It's not like I can get access to a lawyer or anything," she replied. Jake hadn't thought of that.

"And it also seems like we can't get in touch with the station. Hope you brought your walking shoes," he said. He shoved her forward slightly, and Jenna stumbled.

"Uh - hey!" she whirled around, "What the hell?"

"Sorry," he couldn't help his little smirk, "Guess I don't know my own strength,"

She groaned as they started walking. Jake kept one hand placed over his gun, analysing everything around him. However, Jenna just continued to look down at her shoes. She didn't want to look at the violence around her, it made her feel sick. But there was a downside to looking at her shoes; she kept tripping over herself.

"You might want to look up when you walk," Jake suggested.

"I don't want to look at any of this," she replied quietly. Jake scoffed.

"You don't want to admire your own handy work?" he asked. Jenna suddenly looked up at him.

"You think this was me!?" she snapped.

"Well, you refuse to cooperate," he replied. Jenna shook her head, biting back every curse word she could possibly think of.

"You know, Officer Riley. You are just such a-"

"A what?" he asked, towering over her, "Go ahead, say it. We'll see what happens to you," he replied. Jenna bit her tongue.

"That's what I thought," he said. He grabbed her by the arm and started leading her back. But suddenly, he heard the low growl of a car motor, getting louder and louder by the second. He stopped and turned around, and sure enough, there was big black jeep heading their way.

"Get down!" Jake pushed Jenna into an alleyway and grabbed his gun.

"What the hell-"

"Sh!" he watched as the jeep drove by slowly. It was painted in full black, with small silver flecks of scratches. The windows were tinted, he couldn't see what was inside. And there were no license plates. But while Jake was eyeing down the jeep, Jenna was eyeing his badge, secured snugly to his belt.

Hostile Takeover ❖ Jake Riley | ✓ [book 1]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin