The Prologue To Everything~

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First off, Happy New Years! Finally 2017 came! Wow, it has been a long year and I went up from 500/600 reads to 800! Jolly well me, thank you for all of your support this year and I wish that it will never end, with me in turn doing my best to make my stories as exciting as possible! So here's a little treat <3

Ikyu: You do realize that Prologues are supposed to be written first thing and not last, right?

Me: It's not my fault that I just recently thought of this Prologue idea!

Ikyu: You're hopeless as usual Mistress...

Me: *pout* Anyways, here you go and ENJOY:-


     A story is a story no matter when it starts or ends; or rather a story doesn't simply start at some point and end at another. It stretches on and on, beyond what the eye can see, the hand could reach, and the mind could comprehend from beginning to end.

A slight breeze blew by, turning over the pages of a book sitting sideways on a bench of a golden beige shade. The pages, ignored by most, having a deeper meaning than any would've thought.

    No matter of 'tis called, from novels, graphic books, to even role-playing games and more, a story will forever be just a story no matter the use of words to describe it, filled with wonder and morals and life. Yes, life too, is a story just as well. Another form beautifully shaped to make a complete reality.

Another breeze flew by, more pages turning half way, before settling back again. A figure stood nearby, beside an olden tree. Its few honey colored leaves left still hanging on to the thin branches by a thread, not wanting to give in to the fall season. The figure smiled, imagination going wild, as they tightened the scarf around them and looked up at something gleaming from the side. Closing one eye, and blinking twice, they squinted their eyes up to see the fair shining sun's rays trying their best to poke out of the buff grey masses holding up the sky, as if trying to fight back the bullying clouds. A whisper of fascination is heard, and another small cloud is formed.

     This too is but a story of several lives, joined together by a miracle to form even more so. It started millions ago, but let's just start with today. Today it started, the life of one, a story, and so the pages turn and get written on.

The figure breathed in and sighed, more puffed up clouds forming all around. The whole scenery around them is ranging from honey colored, to brown, to orange, to red, to yellow from the workings of a single season and yet the ground beneath them made of grass still somehow managed to stay green even with all of the weight of colorful leaves above them, hiding them, shaming them. The figure chuckled again, this time louder, kicking away the leaves, protecting the beautiful green grass when a sudden honk resounded from a car passing by, ruining the moment. The figure huffed; yes this was but a park in the corner of the street sadly. The figure dusted themselves off, subsequently looking at the solemn book on the bench and smiled again, forgetting their previous annoyance.

     A pen well inked, pasted on pure white paper, waiting for the hand to move and then does, only to end and stop some thereafter, the pen that is and not the story then of itself.

The figure walked up to the bench and sat, bringing over the book in their lap, smiling fondly at it. With a jolt it looked up, as though forgetting an unknown thing. Walking over, they breathed out in front of them, fogging the scenery for all. Laughing, the figure wiped the space in front of them, making the scenery clear again, and smiled at you, a close eyed smile, just to jog back to the book, pick it up and leave the lonely bench in the field, to go to a pair of people waiting up at the end of the park's road.


So how'd you like my New Years Eve gift? And yes, I just did break the fourth wall just now ;3 Hope it wasn't too brain wrecking. So yeah, see you-

Ikyu: I hope you don't plan on ditching your writing duties just because you updated once, right? You'll have to update at least 2-3 more times next week before school starts.

Me: Ehhhhh!?

Ikyu: What? Did I say anything too shocking? *innocent baby fox eyes*

Me: Ugh, fine...I'll try my best. My goal for 2017 is to be more serious than 2016 and try to finish the second serie within that one year time frame! *burning eyes*

Ikyu: There ya go Mistress *claps*

Anyways, sorry for the drama and see you later,

Peace Out! Sukikmu~

1. A Miraculous Life: Our First Step To Neverend~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora