Playfulness and Telepathy

Start from the beginning

"O-okay..." I exhaled. Elric leaned down to nuzzle into my neck again, and I tilted my head to bury my face in his shoulder, as I then reached my arms up, and wrapped him in a tight hug.

He hummed deeply into my ear, nipping at the lobe as he slithered his arms around my abdomen as well. I gasped as I felt him latch on to a certain spot on my neck and begin suckling, which spazzed the nerves along my back and made it arch up into his chest.

An equally deep purr rumbled in his chest at the action, and I panted as he slid a hand up into my hair, where he curled his fingers to grasp the strands in a gentle hold. He gingerly tilted my head back, making me bare my neck to him even more.

I squirmed as he moved his suckling from the side of my neck to the front, and even under my jaw. The tugging sensation of his sucking and the wetness of his tongue as it lapped at my skin, made me moan breathily, and arch my back again to press our chests more firmly against each other.

"Such a sweet scent..." the vampire cooed after he dragged in a long breath through his nose. I shook my head to the best of my ability.

"I-I think you're confused..." I said, in an attempt to tease him. He chuckled, lifting his head to look at me. I blinked owlishly at him, and suddenly his eyes flooded with that familiar warm tenderness, which I had come to know was a sign that he had greatly adored what he had just witnessed.

"You're so beautiful..." he told me, shaking his head slightly in disbelief. Like he just couldn't believe he had managed to catch and reel in such a person, all for himself. I felt my chest twist in an unpleasantly pleasant way, like my body was grateful for the compliment, but at the same time felt overly bashful at it.

"I-I think you need to see a doctor..." I replied softly, still attempting the teasing tactic. Elric grinned, and I knew I was succeeding. Said vampire leaned down close, brushing our noses together in a loving nuzzle.

"I wouldn't mind a check-up from you, my darling," he purred. At first, I didn't understand what he was saying, but after some thought, I realized he meant something a little different than an actual doctor check-up.

"Y-you're so weird..." I responded, and he busted out laughing, just like he had the first time I had called him weird. I reveled in the sound of it, just like last time, because it was a wonderful sound that I was grateful to hear every day.

"You're still not used to it?" he joined in, his eyes glinting with warmth and casual amusement.

"I'm getting there," I whispered, and Elric chuckled again. He tilted his head to place a sweet kiss to my lips.

"If you weren't, I'd say you'd need a doctor," he told me, and I felt my lips twitch at the corners, my own amusement sparking through my abdomen.

"Probably," I responded, and he chuckled yet again. I wasn't complaining, though. I would never complain about that.


The next day, we and the rest of the family were lounging around lazily downstairs, watching the television. Tajax had been courteous enough to change the channel to one he figured wouldn't effect me negatively by its content.

Esther was reading a magazine on the bear skinned rug, Jasper using his legs as a pillow as he scrolled endlessly on his phone, a piece of technology I still had trouble wrapping my mind around, as they had advanced so much from the last time I had seen one, many years ago.

Since Elric and I were occupying a good chunk of one couch, Tajax and Nimr occupied the other, though they sat on opposite sides, tucked into the corners. Knox was accompanying Nimr, purring soundly as her tail swished up and down in content. Nimr, at one point, had shivered from a draft, and Tajax set a blanket atop him, earning a smile from the smaller vampire.

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