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"Alright boys. Remember the plan. Do your job and you get your share of the money." I said as we parked the purple van. 

"How do we know your not gonna take the cash for your self?" One out if the ten guys loaded in the van said.  

"I'm not in this for the money. " i mumbled. I took a deep breath in as we sat in silence for a few seconds. "Alright. " i said as pressed my painyed lips together. "Load out.  And remember if you see the bat girl-she's mine." I commanded.  

To be clear and god honest, i had absolutely no idea what i was doing,  no fucking clue. Running the mob want like riding a bike.  You couldn't just fall and get back on.  It took courage,  you had to be smart yet reckless in a way,  and you had to have absolutely nothing to loose.  And honestly i dont know if 100 percent fit that description.  

We stood in the back alley way of the bank all of us ready for the talk laid in front of us.  

"Alright John. " i said.  "You know what to do?" John was a middle aged man who clearly had a few anxiety issues and was new to the mob.  And when i say new,  i literally mean butt naked baby new.  He had no clue what he was doing and probably joined the mob because of some mid life crisis he was going through.  But i may have been wrong.  Looking around this group of men who were clearly trusting me , i realized that we all had our story and our past and our reasons to why we were here. 

" um yeah i think.." he nervously stuttered. 

"Listen Johnnie boy.  " i sighed.  "All you have to do is walk in and act casual.  And when andy over there, " i motioned to andy a more experienced guy. "When he gives you the signal you're gonna creat some kinda big distraction so he can slip around to the back and let us in. Then ill takee it from there ok?" He nodded as he listened. "You got the easiest job" i have him a reassuring nod. 

"AAlright boys. The plan is we start work something add small as robbing a small bank and work our way up. If we are ever gonna get into arkham you guys gotta work on your skills. God knows you're rusty. "  i spoke.

"Alright,  andy and John.  Go." I ordered and watched them walk away.  "Now we wait. " i said to the rest of the group. 

We all hung there in silence waiting for the back door to open so we could get into the back vaults. Though it had only been minuted it felt like hours.  Eventually we heard a click from the back door and it swing open.  

"Cmon in guys!" Andy said with smirk as we entered. 

"Good job ." I nodded to him.  

"Hey Jay. " he replied back as we walked through the back room.  

"Yeah?" I replied. 

"Thanks for getting us back on our feet.  I honestly thought the mob was dust until you came along." He bit his lip.  "We really appreciate what your doing.  And to all of us.. your family now. " he spoke.  I looked up to see the rest of the group agreeing. 

Jesterine (Third book in the Falling For A Psycho series)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora