Chapter 22: An Old Friend Plus A New One

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Steven's P.O.V

Unfortunately I can't fit how we escaped because it took about 2 days. But we basically took an escape pod and put the destination to earth. It was painfully crowded in the pod but we got to earth successfully. Luckily Yellow Diamond didn't know that we even left the only thing she knows is we escaped the cells.

We landed on the beach and I was really grateful for the fresh air. I was starving so I decided to look towards the house only to see a little ship there. "Uh guys we have company" I said. The gems followed my gaze and saw the ship. It's was black and pink and sort of like a Ruby ship but the glass in front was circle and it was blue.

We got up to the house and we heard footsteps inside. We all could tell it was a gem inside. We barged through the door to see a gem with short pink hair and her gem was on her right hand. She was unlocking the temple door somehow. We were to late as the temple door opened I could see the waterfalls from here.

A small expression of panic ran across her face but it quickly disappeared. "Crystal gems" She said. "My Diamond has told me a lot about you it's a honor to meet you" She said while bowing. Why was she bowing?. Garnet,Amethyst,and Pearl just charged. The gem with pink hair didn't look phased. Garnet went to punch her straight in her face but 10 seconds before she did the gem moved aside making Garnet's gauntlets to smash the walls. Pearl was next as she threw her spear but the gem again a couple seconds before dodged and the spear harmlessly banged against the wall. She looked at me and I thought could she see into the future. She then said "no I am not a Sapphire I'm a Kunzite we can read minds". I must've looked astonished because she smiled. Kunzite ran into the temple at a very fast speed and slid down the waterfall.

"Gems after her!" Garnet called. We all seemed to know that she was going to get the bubbled gems (I'm drawing a blank here about what the rooms called. Burning room?). We managed to catch up to the point that we could see her. I summoned a shield and threw it at Kunzite making her fall down. I managed to run up to her and she got up and looked at me reading my mind. "You don't want me to know that your the Rose Quartz that shattered-" she was cut off by Garnet slamming her gauntlet against her chest sending her flying back.

Kunzite regained her balance and ran for the bubbled gems.

Many minutes of running later

Kunzite got to the Crystal Heart and she turned over he shoulder looking if we were there which we were but she didn't notice the hold that lead to the bubbled gems so she tripped and fell into the (burning room?). We went down after her but realized it was to late. Kunzite had unbubbled a gem. A Familiar one to be exact. There confused stood Orange Citrine. Me bubbling her felt so long ago. I wondered what would happen next.

A/N:Hey Guys that's pretty much some action with our new character Kunzite. Also I left a lot of characters out like Howlite and Rubellite Tourmaline: Steven and Ruby's fusion but I have plans for them. (Maybe not Rubellite Tourmaline but still). G night guys.

Steven Universe Fanfiction: Protectors of Earthحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن