Steven Universe: Earth is now still

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^ at the top is the picture of the Jasper that was attacking the temple
Steven's P.O.V

As I warped back to the temple the first thing I saw was pearl being flung backwards hitting the temple door. "Steven!" Pearl called " the other corrupted gem is here it's really powerful where's Amethyst?!" " right here" I said holding up the purple gem suddenly garnet went flying into the house door breaking it down "gems come on" Garnet yelled. Pearl and I ran to help garnet but the corrupted gem was no where to be found. " What the..." pearl said "where did it go". "Pearl I'll go search around beach city for it stay here and guard Steven and the temple" Garnet commanded. " Okay I'm on it" Pearl responded.

Garnet super jumped to beach city and pearl and Steven stood there. "What happened to Amethyst" Pearl asked. " A gem mutant dropped an injector on her and poofed her" I explained to Pearl she nodded and said " Well next time I'll rem-" suddenly the house that was held in the hands of the statue collapsed Pearl grabbed me before I could fall out but Amethysts gem dropped out off my hand. We landed on the warp pad while the house collapsed forward and Amethyst'a gem went with it.

We went down to the beach to check out the disaster and I saw Amethyst's gem I ran towards it and inspected it: no cracks no dirt no sand. I exhaled in relief then heard a low growl and looked up to see the brownish corrupted gem. "Hey there buddy"I said frightened "let me just go back to the temple I got up and she opened her mouth ready to take a chomp and I jumped back and accidentally dropped Amethyst'a gem.

The corrupted gem stares at the  gem it then opened its mouth and let out a spore thing all over Amethyst'a gem making stripes go on the gem. Suddenly an white energy projectile that comes out of pearls spear shot the monster poofing it I sprinted over to it and bubbled it and sent it to the temple." This is not good" Pearl said worriedly. "I know the house is destroyed" I began to say. "No not that Amethyst's gem it got corruption spores on it" Pearls tone going worried to serious. "What does that mean?" I asked. "It means she's corrupted". There were so many emotions going through me at once sad,mad,stunned,frustrated,and confused my life changed from that point in my earth was still.

Steven Universe Fanfiction: Protectors of EarthOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora