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ugh, my throat hurts, all because of that overprotective prick. that's alright though, i tend to keep an optimistic, positive vibe. most of the time anyway. i'm trying to keep that vibe while i drive to andy's house, since he's not going to like seeing me all beaten up. i bruise very easily, so my neck probably did not look good right now. that's alright though, i'll make up some excuse as to why my neck looks fucked up. if i mentioned lukas he'd probably force me to tell him where philip lives to murder both of them. but i'm like andy's little brother, so he wouldn't do a thing to harm me. at least that's what he wants me to think. andy isn't good news, like at all. but, he was pretty cool (and by that i mean decent) at times. i put up with his shit, and he put up with mine, and that's why we were friends. i kinda had to put up with his shit because he was the one who bit me, so i'm constantly hating him for it. i like to take out my hatred for him in video games against him, and i usually win. andy gets annoyed by it, it's pretty funny. he's a sore loser, usually yells and breaks the occasional thing. i laugh, and then he'll turn to me and just throw me over his shoulder. that's how it is with my roommate, tyler, too. philip is friends with tyler as well. they met when philip came over.

with that thought in mind, i found myself knocking on andy's door. as usual, andy answered quickly, ushering me inside without so much as a "hi."

"well hello to you too," i greeted, a small involuntary smile on my face.

andy closed the door behind me as he pulled me into his house more, saying that he was hungry in an annoyed tone.

"so? just go to the blood bank, that's what i do," i raised an eyebrow, crossing my arms.

"eh, i've had better than the blood bank," andy shrugged, "i want something else."

"like what?" i asked, watching as andy walked around, circling me almost.

"hm, well i don't want just any blood," andy hummed, stopping in his spot. he looked at me, and his frozen gaze seemed to stare into my soul. "i want your blood."


that's not very good.

"you've already had it before, i don't think you need it again," i scoffed, pushing past andy and plopping onto his couch.

"see, that's the thing, ethan. i've had it before, i want it again," andy sighed, sitting next to me and resting his head on my shoulder, "i just wanna taste you again."

"well that sucks for you because i'm not letting you. tyler wouldn't approve, and can a vampire even drink another vampire's blood?" i retorted, my arms crossing again. i wanted to go home already.

"sure they can! nothing happens to either vampires, the two just develop a. . . strong bond," andy informed, sitting up and turning the tv on, "the two become able to sense where the other is in the world."

"if you're trying to convince me to let you drink my blood, you're out of your fucking mind," i furrowed my eyebrows, which made andy chuckle.

"just like how i tried to convince you to become a vampire," andy added with a snicker.

"i wasn't even given a choice, you technically forced yourself on to me!" i exclaimed, scowling at andy.

"well, it was supposed to be a make out session, but i got distracted by how you smelled," andy shrugged, "don't be so angry. being a vampire isn't that bad."

"it is that bad! i don't like drinking blood to survive. plus, the make out was forced too, 'cause you're an actual asshole," i rolled my eyes, and andy laughed.

"whatever, i'm your favorite asshole. play mortal kombat with me," andy said, leaning forward to set up the game.

"fine, but not for long. tyler's expecting me home in a bit," i stated, grabbing a controller.

bloodline :: philkasWhere stories live. Discover now