04|A Twist of Fate

Start from the beginning

As the professor spoke mindlessly about ancient Greece, Matt's mind flew, once again to that bloke in the grocery. But this time, he didn't fought with his mind and just let it be. He could use those eyes to think at rather than his professors four eyes.

After playing the scene in the grocery over and over again, Matt wondered if he was going to see him again. Maybe chat with him a little and see how it all play out. Except one problem, Matt wasn't gay and that bloke he bumbed into wasn't either, but why does he has a feeling it's all meant to be? Like a twist of fate, swirling around and messing with your life, but somehow making things work out in the end.

No matter how much Matt wanted fate to play it's part in the moment, he couldn't. He had bills to pay, his mother to take care off and his job and his studies were already playing a major part in his life.

He was busy copying notes when his phone beeped, he fished it out and saw a message from Joey, his bestfriend that he hadn't seen in a few weeks.

'Matty boy! You up for a fight tonight? 1k per round, you up?'

Matt thought about for a minute before replying. He knew his friends intentions were clean considering he knew as much of what Matt's financial status was. But Matt told himself he was a changed person, not entirely, just partially and no way he was going in that road of street fights ever again.

'Sorry bro, can't anymore. Have a job now'

He waited for Joey's reply but it was short lived as Matt focused his attention back on his lectures that always had him wondering why he chose this class.


It was a good day for Officer Teddy Stanton. He woke up with a smile on his face and knew the reason behind it. It was because of the man he accidentally crashed into. He didn't knew the man's name but he could tell he was new to that grocery place as Teddy had been shopping there from the moment he moved to Seattle.

He smiled to himself and knew he could see that bloke again.

But why? Teddy didn't have feelings for the man. He knew that but upon seeing that bloke have mix reactions towards him on there first encounter. Teddy couldn't lie to the idea that he fancied the idea of a man showing some slight light hearten joy to his presence. The mans giddiness wasn't exactly discreet last he remembered the moment.

Sighing, Teddy breathed a shaky breath as the night air began creeping up to his skin. He was making his nightly routine of patrolling the neighborhood he had become accustomed to.

Teddy's life as a police officer wasn't exactly how he envisioned it, he thought he was going was going to be in the line of fire where robbery and kidnappings took place avidly. Well, that wasn't exactly what Seattle had to offer. There weren't much heinous crimes the city could give so almost every officer were stuck doing there case reports that mostly circulated among petty crimes of patrolling the neighborhood to see if anyone was in trouble.

Making his last turn for the night, Teddy's stomach churned under his vest that made him look for the nearest coffee shop. He's spots one a few blocks from him and parks infront of 'Angel's Coffee Shop' that wasn't exactly a huge establishment but it was a rather small one.

Teddy got off his police car and entered the infamous coffee shop, receiving a few looks from the older gentlemen who acknowledged his presence with a nod. Among the other reason why Teddy wanted to be a police officer, this was one of them. Respect, whenever he walked into a room, the entire room will quiet down and focus there attention to him. He liked that, he liked people knowing him for his friendly services and infectious smiles.

"One cup of black coffee please," Teddy said to the counter as his eyes hovered from the delicious trays of doughnuts at the back, his mouth salivating. Teddy wanted to buy a whole lot of them before saying no, he could buy those sweet things on the week end. He didn't have time to burn those calories tonight.

"Will that be all sir?" Teddy was still staring at the rack after rack of doughnuts when he shrugged and looked at the cashier who was handling him. But once his eyes landed on the twenty-something guy, he was suddenly zoned out and remembered that person he ran into with at the grocery store.

His dark, brown hair wasn't nearly as near as the lad who worked at the store, but Teddy knew it was the same length that was neatly trimmed and had average Mohawk to it. Although the cashiers hair reminded him off 'grocery dude' as Teddy named out, his eyes and face wasn't exactly as near to grocery dudes quality trait.

Teddy hadn't realize that he was fleeting off into oblivion as he smiled nervously once the cashier gave him a questioning look.

"Yes, that will-" He stopped talking as the radio he had with him talked with a grainy and muffled voice. Stating there was a robbery down at fifth street at a well-known diner. Teddy then gave the cashier a warm smile and nodded as he left the premise.


A/N: I wonder what happened there at fifth street? Hmmm.

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