Chapter 11: In The Dark

Start from the beginning

"You make it sound like you're so much older than me. There's no way you are," he laughed. I could hear his pulse hitch as he came another step closer and I fought back the urge to lick my top lip in anticipation. I had yet to drink blood for the night, and the idea of its taste made my mouth water.

I smirked. "You're too kind. We're probably about the same age. I've just seen a lot of shit."

Luke took another step towards me and I smiled a little more sweetly. "You know, not to sound corny, but you're probably the prettiest, least-messed up girl in that entire bar and probably always will be."

"Don't push your luck too much," I teased. "Surely there are some pretty druggies that walk through that door."

"'Druggies?' What are you, in high school still?"

I laughed, nodding. "Sorry, probably not the right term to use anymore. I actually showed up tonight looking to score, too. So hi, I'm Pot, nice to meet you, Kettle."

Luke laughed, taking another step forward.

That's it, I thought, grinning as he continued to laugh at my joke. It was so much easier, being human. Sometimes I could understand why Jenny had doubts about becoming a vampire after growing up mortal.

"You're adorable," he said, his voice softer.

I pushed a lock of blonde hair behind my ear, going for the sweet and innocent ploy. "Glad someone thinks so."

"I do," he answered, smiling. He leaned in towards me. I held my breath, no longer thinking about his sweet demeanor. All I could hear was his heart and the sound of his blood moving through his veins. Despite his choice of a hangout spot, he smelled delicious.

When he moved in closer, I inhaled his smell. He had the slightest hint of marijuana on him, mixed with bar soap and cheap cologne. My mouth filled with saliva. I'm starving, my brain screamed.

Luke's eyes closed and I forced mine to stay open as his lips touched mine. His hands skimmed down my arms and I let my mouth match his movements before I turned us around to push him against the bricks. He made a sound of satisfied surprise and I listened to his pulse as it sped up. I could taste his excitement. He was lonely and alone. He made for perfect prey to someone like me.

I pulled away from his mouth and brushed my cheek against his before my lips found his neck. He sighed and leaned back into the wall more fully. I opened my mouth wider, feeling the vein pulse beneath his throat against my bottom lip. Before I could think to stop myself, I bit down.

His blood spilled onto my waiting tongue. I closed my eyes and relished its taste. From somewhere in the back of my subconscious, I noticed that the door had opened and closed again. Jason's smell caught my attention for only a moment before my thoughts focused back on my target.

Luke made a little sound of pain, and I ran my hands down his chest to hold him still.

I'm so hungry, my mind moaned. My fingers tightened their grip on his shirt and I swallowed down another mouthful. Somewhere in the back of my conscious thoughts, I could sense Jason still, but I didn't quit. Luke's pulse began to jackhammer against my lips and I relished holding his life in my hands.

I could feel my whole body become alive as strength filled me. It was a high that could never be achieved by anything else. The wolves would never understand that I needed it to survive, to thrive. While I didn't need blood as much as my full-vampire peers and family members, I still had to have the one thing that would keep me alive in the end.

Luke's body became weaker as I took more of his blood into me, my bite filling his veins with vampire venom. While it wouldn't kill him or turn him into a vampire by itself, it would make him drowsy and fog his senses.

I inhaled through my nose as I relaxed, my body humming. I could taste the alcohol and pot in his blood.

"Hannah," he breathed, his heartbeat growing slower.

I pulled back, looking at him. His eyes were still closed and his mouth hung open to breathe as his heart began to slow down. "I'm sorry," I said softly. I reached forward and ran my fingers over his cheek. "You're going to fall asleep now. When you wake up, this will have just been a bad dream," I whispered.

"Hannah, my head hurts."

"I know," I replied. "Just remember that you went to the bar, you wanted to score from your guy, you went outside, and you fell asleep after drinking a little too much. Then, you'll get up and you'll go home."

Luke slowly slipped down onto the ground, his head lulling forward as his body became slack. I waited until his breathing evened out and he became unconscious. With a heavy sigh, I raised my hand to my mouth, puncturing my thumb on a fang. I felt the sharp cut and blood welled up on the surface. I leaned down and rubbed my bloodied digit against his bite mark.

The one magical thing I could do for him: heal his wounds. I never knew why, but vampire blood healed injuries of non-vampire life forms. It was true magic in my book, a natural ability that made up for the terror and pain we could cause. No spell or incantation needed.

"Seren?" Jason asked from off to my left.

I didn't look at him right away, waiting to be certain Luke had completely drifted off. There was a faint tingling in my thumb as it healed. I inhaled slowly through my nose before turning to face him.

"Is he—?"

"No, just passed out. I don't kill people, Jason. Especially those who don't deserve it," I answered. Guilt and pity colored my emotions and I felt awful. It was so much easier when it was at a blood rave where the humans wanted to be bitten. But not here, not like this...

Jason sighed and walked towards me, his eyes searching my face. He reached forward to touch me, and I stiffened. His thumb brushed the corner of my mouth and I looked down to see the twinge of red smeared over his skin.

I licked the crease of my lips to wipe away the last of Luke's blood. "Don't ever make me do that again," I ordered flatly.

He nodded, his mouth quirking to one side with worry. "I won't."

"Good," I answered, pushing past him for the door. "Let's go get the other two and head out. I'm ready to go back."

Half-Blooded | The Dark Child Prophecy Series [✔️]Where stories live. Discover now