Chapter 10

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Eren's POV

I felt everyone eyes fall onto me as I got up and headed towards the door, Ava was right about Hanji visiting. I followed the Instructor toward an off-limits building, and noticed that Hanji waiting inside. Instructor Shadis opened to door to the room with Hanji inside, and Hanji stood to greet me.

"Do you want me to stay Hanji?" Instructor Shadis questioned.

"No" Hanji replied before shoving him out the room and closing the door in his face.

"Miss Hanji is this about the abnormal titan who appeared yesterday," I asked.

"If you know that, then you know it wasn't an abnormal" Hanji replied before sitting down.

"It was her," I said.

"Eren, have you been in contact with her," she asked.

"Well, it depends on your idea of contact" I replied.

"Eren please tell us about her" Hanji pleaded. I gave her a nod before sitting down beside her.

"When I was younger, I was struggling to survive, I wasn't that great about transforming between my two forms and sometimes titans would attack whenever I wasn't alert. One day, I was caught by a 14-meter titan and she saved me, taught me how to transform with ease and how to use my powers, she made the titans fear me, then she heard from a titan that there were two shifters up to something suspicious, so she left to find out what they were planning and I was left behind to protect the wall. Not long after she left I meet you and Levi and then the wall was breached and you know what happened after" I explained.

"Does she have a name" Hanji asked.


"What abilities does Ava have?" Hanji questioned.

"Fear creation, electricity control and, she probably has lots more but I don't know them" I answered.

"Eren, why did you always keep secrets about her but now you happy to talk about her?" Hanjin asked.

"Because she said I could" I replied.


"By using her ability, it allows her to communicate with me over a huge distance" I answered.

"Eren, would you be able to communicate with her at this moment," Hanji asked.

"I've never tried it," I said.

"Okay, could you tr..." Hanji started but I interrupted her.


"What do you mean?" Hanji questioned.

"If I attempted to open my mind and try to locate Ava, it at risk of another titan to take advantage and damage my brain" I answered.

"That's possible"

"Miss Hanji, I informed you that there were 7 titan shifters known at this moment but there might be more still living outside, I can't risk the chance that another having the same ability as Ava" I stated before standing up and headed towards the door. "Please excuse me, I have an assessment with the 3d maneuverer gear" I replied before leaving.

After collecting my 3d maneuverer gear, I headed towards the woods where the other cadets were.

"Eren" I heard Armin shouted, I gave him a wave and ran over.

"Who and what did Squad Leader Hanji want?" Mikasa asked when I reached them.

"I don't want to talk about," I said.

"Okay" Armin replied but Mikasa wasn't convinced.

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