Chapter 34

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Ava stumbled, blood was pouring out her stomach as she slid down the nearest tree. They had betrayed her just like Zeke had. Erwin had deemed her as the enemy to humanity because she was the wife to Zeke, a fact he kept forgetting about or overlooking. Ava had just enough strength to transform into her titan form and escape but now she was slowly bleeding to death, she was forcing back her regenerative capabilities there was no point surviving when the scouting legion was going to forever be coming after her. The knife which Erwin had stabbed her with was still plunged into her stomach.

"Ava, Ava what did they do?" Zeke's panicked voice shouted as he rushed over to his injured wife. Ava didn't have the strength to batter his hand away as Zeke inspected the wound.

"You should be able to heal from this, why aren't you healing" Zeke said.

"Why should I, everyone I know is betraying me, what is the point of still being alive" Ava muttered, her eyes were closed.

"Ava, sweetie please open your eyes and look at me, you need to stop repressing your regenerative capabilities" Zeke begged. Ava opened her eyes to see tears falling down his cheeks.

"Why are you crying?" Ava asked.

"You are my wife, I can't lose you, what I did in the past was a mistake, I need you, I can't live without you" Zeke said pulling Ava's body against his chest.

"At least you know how I felt after..." Ava trailed off, she was still not sure whether she should tell him.

"After what sweetie?" Zeke asked.

"After I lost the baby due to you attacking me" Ava whispered out, she felt Zeke tighten his grip on her.

"You were pregnant" Zeke muttered.

"Yes" Ava weakly replied. 

"Ava, I am really sorry for what I did to you and our child but I promise if you help me wipe out these bastards then we can try for another child, we can have as many children as you want, we can rectify our mistakes. Please baby, I need you" Zeke begged. Ava reached for the knife and pulled it out of her stomach, steam appeared around the wound as it slowly healed. A dark look was present in Ava's eyes as she looked up at her husband.

"We will destroy everyone that has ever harmed us" Ava asked.

"Yes, we will rescue the others titan shifters before they are betrayed as well and then we will rise up against the devil Eldians and wipe them from this earth, then we can go back to Marley and tell the other Eldians that we have won and then we will be free to live our lives in peace" Zeke said before adding "I love you, Ava, no one is going to change that".

"I love you too Zeke, god I feel so stupid for trusting those devil Eldians and turning my back on my husband" Ava whispered before leaning into Zeke's chest.

"Do not think about it my love, what happened in the past stays in the past we shall move on" Zeke said. Ava lifted a hand to cup Zeke's cheek before leaning forward and pressing their lips together in a sweet yet passionate kiss. Tears leaked out of Ava's eyes as she lifted the knife in her free hand and stabbed it into Zeke's chest. Zeke broke the kiss gasping as he looked down at his chest in horror, Ava twisted the knife in his chest.

"You can pretend as we have betrayed you, that would drop his guard if we injure you someway without it healing instantly then we would be able to trick him" Erwin explained.

"Fine, I can hold back my regenerative capabilities to the point that I might actually die, give me a knife at least and allow me to go alone, do not approach us until you see any sign that Zeke has dropped his guard and allow me to do everything, he might attack you if you suddenly appear that is if he believes this insane idea" Ava said.  

Ava held the dying Zeke in her arms, tears fell down her cheeks as she gently stroked his cheeks.

"I'm sorry" she whispered into his ear "It was the only way, we can't risk you killing anyone". Eren walked over to Ava before wrapping his arm around her shoulders and helped her to her feet.

"Jean wants to take on his power so he can be with Marco" Eren said as they walked away from Zeke's dying body.

"I thought one of us was going to take on Zeke's titan abilities" Ava said looking up at her brother-in-law.

"He volunteered" Eren replied.

"Marco's found a keeper" Ava laughed weakly before walking over to Jean who was sat beside Marco.

"You sure you want to do this" Ava asked one last time as she took out the serum which would turn Jean into a mindless titan.

"I'm positive" Jean replied. Ava nodded before asking Marco to make sure that there were no humans in the vicinity which could attract Jean's pure titan. Once they were sure there was no one, Ava ordered Marco and Eren to leave before injecting Jean and darting out the way. Jean turned into a mindless titan before he walked over to Zeke's body, Zeke shouted for Ava to save him as he was devoured. Marco ran over to his boyfriend who had turned back into a human whilst Ava walked away.

~6 Months Later~

Eren giggled as Levi carefully lead him towards an unknown destination. The last six months they had finally gotten rid of all the titans before working to get along with the other humans living on the mainland, it had been a slow process to get them to understand that they were not devils and that they would have rescued the other Eldians from Marleyans if they had known what they had been going through and would have been able to reach them.

"Levi where are you taking me?" Eren questioned, the other boy had blindfolded Eren to prevent him from knowing where they were going.

"It's a secret" Levi said, once they arrived Levi told Eren to remove the blindfold. Eren took the blindfold off expecting his boyfriend to be standing beside him, he was shocked to find Levi on one knee.

"Eren, every day that I spend with you make me fall in love with you, even more, you make me happier than I ever thought I could be and I will spend the rest of my life to make sure that you are happy every day because you deserve the world. Eren Yeager will you marry me" Levi proposed.

"Yes, a thousand yes" Eren said throwing himself into Levi's arms for a passionate kiss. When they broke apart, Levi slid the engagement ring onto Eren's finger.

"I love you" Levi whispered.

"I love you too" Eren muttered before pressing another kiss to Levi's lips. 

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