Chapter 6

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Erwin's POV

After questioning Eren, I got Hanji to escort Eren to an empty Guest room.

"What are you planning to do?" Levi questioned.

"Having someone who has expert knowledge on titans would be an helpful asset, but we're have to keep on a down low so no one discovers what Eren really is" I informed him.

"We can't keep him here since people are going to start questioning, why a kid, who isn't a part of the Scouting Legion is hanging around here" Levi said.

"Well maybe we should put him through the military training, people wouldn't question him being here when he completes it" I suggested.

"I'll ask him later"

"You seem to have a connection with him" I said.

"Shut up" Levi snapped before walking out of my office.

Eren's POV

I looked around the room which Hanji had taken me too. It was quite basic but then again, I've never been in a bedroom before.

"Eren" Hanji spoke.


"Why won't you tell us the name of the other Titan Shiftier" Hanji questioned.

"Because I made a promise to her, don't worry Miss Hanji, you'll meet her soon" I replied with a smile on my face.

Anonymous' POV

I walked up to the gaping hole in the human's wall. Shit, they've already started their plan. I stepped through the hole to see the corpses of humans, some complete, some in halves. I gently bent down and started to collect the human remains, before placing them in pile in a open area space. Then shifting into my human form, before going into the remains of house hoping to find something to dig with. After a few moments of searching I located a spade, then headed back to the bodies. I gently placed each body into the hole I had created, I know it's not very kind to put them in one massive grave but at least their bodies will be left alone.

"I'm sorry you had to suffer" I gently whispered before covering the mangled bodies. The smell of a titan wafted through the air, a 10 meter.

'What's a titan doing all the way back here?' I questioned. I started to walk towards the second breached hole located at the inner wall. I peeped out of it so see, one of the abnormal titans sniffing the ground, probably looking for an alive human which is bad news for me. But before I could do anything, the titan's head snapped up and looked in my direction. The titan let out a growl and started charging in my direction.

I knelt down to the ground pressing my palm flat on the floor, just before the titan had reached me I used my abilities to create a barrier out of the earth. I carefully listen to the Titan scratching at the raised earth, I knew it wouldn't hold the titan out for long, so I quickly shifted into my titan form, destroying half of the barrier. The titan leaped towards me, once I had reached full height, I lashed out, grabbing the titan by the nape before ripping the nape insuring that the titan was dead, I dropped the body on the floor and snapped a couple of times of the nape.

'Eren, I hope you're safe'

Eren's POV

I stared outside the window in my room, lost in thought. The smell of humans wafted through the window, I felt the titan in stir but I was still able in control of it.

"Oi Eren" Levi said behind me.


"Gotta talk to you about some think" Levi spoke.

"What about?"

"People are gunna start asking questions if you hang around here, so the commander wants you to enrol into the military training, it takes five years" Levi answered.


"What's wrong with you?" Levi questioned.

"You could say I'm a little homesick, I've never been anywhere inside the wall, I kind of feel caged after the all these years" I replied. "Anyway, when do I have to leave?"

"Later this week" Levi said before leaving.

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