Who Am I?

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5 Years Later

"Dad stop please!" I plead seeing Cemetery Wind bring in another dead Autobot, this Autobot was red and white, he had a Target symbol on his stomach, dad ignores me and continues walking down the hall of his KSI building, "Listen to me please!" I plead but he doesn't listen, "Why do I talk to you anyways?" I ask him, I stop walking after him, "Mom always listened," I say shoving my hands in my pockets.

That my friends makes dad stop his walking, he turns and faces me, "I listen to you, but you and I both know I have work," he explains and then a man from Cemetery Wind runs down the hall, he stops in front of dad.

"Sir," he says breathlessly, "We brought two Autobots in alive," my eyes widen, "Good, I want Mikaela out-" Dad says but I run off down the hall to the main room, when I get there I see two real live Autobots! I squeal in happiness, it's been so long since I've seen an actual live Autobot or in my case Autobots.

One is yellow with fins while the other is a cherry red, they both are freaking out trying to get out of the chains and other things that are holding them down, I run up to them and start shoving the men away from them, I hear my dad order "Hold your fire!" I stand in front of the two bots, they both are breathing heavily, "Poor boys," I whisper seeing the burns and bullet holes in their armor, "Mikaela," Dad orders while I step closer, "Get away from them," I ignore him like he does me, I walk closer to the red one, I see a big burnt hole on the outside of his thigh armor, "What did they do to you?" I whisper using a childish tone, the red one whimpers in pain, "My poor Autobot," I coo, I hear some of the men whisper disgusting but I don't care.

The Autobots saved my life when I was little and they saved Chicago along with millions of lives. They stopped Megatron from world domination! We all would be Megatron's slaves if it wasn't for the Autobots coming back! I did a lot of research on what happened before and after the Chicago war.

I turn to dad "I hope you are proud of this!" I snap looking at the bald headed man that I call a father, "I am," he says standing straighter fixing his tie, I scoff at him, "I want them," I say smoothly, dad looks at me like I had gone crazy, "No, absolutely not!" He snaps, "I don't care what you say, you never care what I say!" I growl, I see a bullet deep into the yellow ones hand, he tries to pry it out but his fingers are too big, I gently move his fingers out of the way making him growl, "I won't hurt you, I promise," I say in a soft tone to him, I grab the bullet between my thumb and forefinger then pull the bullet out gently and throw it in dad's direction, "Come on, let's get you two to a comfortable room, where I can take care of you," I soothe, they both look at me with shock, well the red one is with the shocked face while the yellow one has disgust written all over his face.

"No! We are not treating them like guests! They killed your mother!" Dad snaps.

I freeze and turn to him, "What. Did. You. Say?" I say through gritted teeth clenching my fists giving dad a death glare, dad gulps while the men around him back up, "I'm sorry Micky," dad whispers, "Fine, I want them in a nice room!" I snap, "You heard me! I want a nice room for them!" I order making the men around me scramble for cover when I pull out my pocket knife.

I turn towards the Autobots putting my knife up, "Come on I'll give ya a tour!" I chirp, the red one looks at the yellow one, who looks right back at him, I giggle when the red one motions for me to show them around by twirling his forefinger around in a lazy circle.

Moments Later

They were finally in a comfortable room, I ordered for the men to get me things to fix them and paint kits for cars, after ten minutes they brought in things for me to fix them, including tires and other things, they both are huddled in a corner when it's just me and them, both of them holding one another shaking in fear, I look at them gently and grab a car paint box and open it with them looking at me nervously.

I pull out items from the box, both of them watch as I bring the items out and set them in neat piles in front of their eye view, once that box is empty. I stand to my feet and walk over to the door and sit down with my knees pulled to my chest and watch them, they both looked traumatized. Poor babies.

They both slowly inch near the items like they would explode any second, the yellow one grabs the items and so does the red one, their bright blue eyes flash in surprise looking at the items, then it hits me...

I stand to my feet and inch slowly near them, "I know you two," I say making them both look at me confused, "I'm the eleven year old girl you saved!" I say smiling, they look at me like I was nuts quickly they turn their backs towards me, "Don't worry!" I say quickly not wanting to scare them, "If you want proof I'll tell you what your names are!" I say smiling, the red one turns to me slightly so does the yellow one, "Your Sideswipe? Your Sunny?" I ask pointing at them, the yellow one glares at me for saying "Sunny" "Is that not your name?" I ask, he shakes his head no, "Let me guess short for SunStreaker?" I ask uneasily, he nods, I walk closer to them and reach out my hand, Sideswipe slowly reaches out his hand and puts it over me, I close my eyes and wait for the squish but he grabs the back of my shirt and lifts me up.

He sets me in his hand gently, he cups me to his chest and then huddled back with SunStreaker, who is looking down at me uneasily and with a smudge of disgust, I gasp seeing a small bullet in his throat cable, it looked painful, "Here let me see," I say gently making Sideswipe lift me up gently once to SunStreaker'd shoulder I get on making him growl, I pet his neck that looked like a cable that connected to his head a growl rumbles through his throat making it vibrate where I sat. I grab the bullet pulling it out making him wince, I then massage around the wound gently.

I did a lot of research on Transformers, they are magnificent organisms from the planet Cybertron, which was destroyed from war that went on for millions and millions of years between peace loving Autobots and the brutal Decepticons. Then there was a neutral group which means the male known as mech or female known as femme couldn't choose which side they wanted to fight on and some didn't want to battle so they fled the planet, so they would be their own mech or femme.

Sideswipe sets me down on the ground gently, then the door opens they both tense in defense and a hand goes around me and I'm securely cupped to a cherry red chest.

I see Dad glaring at them with disgust and fire in his eyes, which SunStreaker gladly returns. "Mikaela." Dad growls, "Those things are going to our house and monitored, you will be able to see them but with protection. Do you understand?" He growls, "Dad don't you think that's a little too much?" I growl at him using the same tone. He scoffs at me before glaring at Sides and SunStreaker, which they both return making me chuckle.

The door closes and dad leaves, the twins whimper in fear and Sideswipe holds me closer to him, he shakes with fear making me stroke his hand for comfort.

"Don't you worry boys, I'm gonna help you get to the others and that's a promise,"
How was it?

Good I hope!

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Have a good day/night!

See you all soon!

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