Chapter 25 - I'll Think About It...

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Chapter 25 - I'll think about it...

"Its nice to meet you Tanner." Your mom said shaking his hand

"Its nice to meet you too ms.Williams" Tanner said

"Please call me Linda." Your mom said

"Ok, its nice to meet you Linda." Tanner corrected himself

"Ava hasent stopped talking about how much she misses you. As long as you treat her right we wont have a problem." Your mom said

"Dont worry I would never hurt her, your daughter is an amazing person who deserves someone special." Tanner said

"And your that someone special." You said smiling stepping close to Tanner's side

"But there is something I am here for a reason, Would you consider letting Ava move in with me and my mom?" Tanner asked

"i will think about it over the days your here." Your mom said

"Really?" You and Tanner both said at the same time

"Yes." You mom said walking off

You and Tanner went up to your room, and did a little happy dance.

"I cant believe it!" You said excitedly

"Neither can I!" Tanner said

"Wanna go see Shaun?" You asked

"Sure lets go."Tanner said

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