Chapter 4 - Australia

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Chapter 4 - Australia

Once we had landed we got our luggage and stuff. and went to the hotel we were staying in.

We walked in to check the room out but it was more of a small apartment. There were 2 rooms one with 2 twin beds and 1 with a queen size bed.

"Dibs!" Tanner shouted from the queen bed.

Shaun and Dylan each jumped on a twin bed.

"I guess ill sleep on the couch." I sighed

"Or,You could sleep With me." Tanner said smirking

"Uh sure." I smiled and set my things down in our room.

I Was in the living room area on my computer. Shaun was on the other end of the couch. Dylan walked out on to our little balcony thing. and Tanner came out of the room in just his boxers.

I could feel myself blushing.. I tried my hardest not to look at his ass. But I failed.

I think Shaun noticed cause nudged my leg with his foot. I looked over to him, he wiggled his eyebrows at me.. I couldn't help but to laugh, Shaun laughed along with me.

"Whats so funny?" Tanner asked

Shaun and I couldn't speak because we were laughing so hard

Tanner and Dylan stood around looking really confused witch made us laugh even harder.

We had finally calmed down and Tanner and Dylan were still looking confused

"What was so funny?" Dylan asked

you started to giggle thinking about it "Nothing." you shook my head

"C'mon it cant be nothing, you two couldn't breathe." Tanner said

Shaun looked at me then to Tanner and Dylan

"Ava looked at your ass." Shaun said looking back down to his laptop.

you began to blush

"Well.. I mean there's not much there but.." Tanner smiled trailing off

I stayed quiet

"I mean It doesn't bother me." Tanner said, I looked up and met his eyes.

"Not to be weird or anything.. but you do have a nice ass." You mumbled

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