Chapter 21 - Always and Forever

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Chapter 21 - Always and Forever

It was the next day and Tanner had woken you up.

"Baby, we soon have to leave for our flight." He said

"Oh, ok." You said sadly.

You got up and started to pack.

You had all boarded the plane and had already took off. Now you and Tanner only had 4 hours left to be together.

You cuddled the whole flight.

once you had landed, you got your luggage and you all went outside to wait for your drives.

The whole time you were waiting for your mom, you hugged Tanner.

Your mom showed up the same time Tanner's mom did.

"Im going to miss you." Tanner said with tears in his eyes

"Ill miss you too." You replied, and kissed him. it felt like you had been kissing forever.

when you pulled away you looked into Tanners beautiful blue eyes

"I love you." You said

"I love you too." Tanner replied

The both of you went your separate ways to each car. You and Shaun went with your mom, and Tanner and Dylan went with Tanner's mom.

Once you got in the car, you started crying. then your phone buzzed

it was Tanner


"And Forever." You replied

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