Chapter 3 - The big Day...

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Chapter 3 - The big Day..

You went home and packed all the necessities, like clothes and all your bathroom products. Then you moved on to packing your electronics like, mac book and chargers and phone. Luckily all your stuff fit into 2 suitcases, one for clothes and bathroom products and the other fro electronics.

You walked over to Shaun's house wheeling your 2 suitcases over on a skateboard. you had tied a rope around the skateboard and you were walking down the sidewalk pulling the skateboard behind you.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Shaun asked his accent showing strongly. you were pretty amazed at how strong his accent stayed after 2 years.

"their heavy." you whined

"Fair enough." shaun agreed before coming to help you carry them inside.

That night you slept one the floor. You weren't too thrilled about that part but oh well.

"Hey Ava.. wake up." shaun said shaking you

"What?" you asked

"We gotta start getting ready, we have to leave in 30 minutes." Shaun said and you sat up.

"Ok, Im going to shower." you said walking to the bathroom

you were showered and dressed in dressed in 10 minutes. you walked out of the bathroom and shaun walked in.


Tanner and his mom had pulled up Shaun walked out and you walked out after him "Hey Shaun!" Tanner said then did one of those were bro hugs

"Hey Ava!" Tanner said excitedly and held his arms out for a hug. you walked up and gave him a hug "Hey Tanner." you said starting to cry

"Sorry I didn't warn you about this yesterday, but i might cry." I said pulling away from the hug to wipe away a tear

"No, don't cry." Tanner hugged you again

"you should be happy." Tanner said

"No I swear I am happy, I'm so happy I'm crying." you replied

"Ok, just don't be sad." tanner said slowly letting you out of the hug.

"Im not sad, I promise." You said wiping a tear out of your eye

"Well... Lets go!" Shaun said excitedly

"Wait, you got everything?" you asked

"Yeah." Shaun said

You all piled into the car and drove off to the airport.

Once you got there, Shaun and Tanner unloaded everything, you tried to help but they were too fast. Tanner and His mom said their good byes, the she looked to you and shaun

"Have fun." She smiled and got back into the car.


The 3 of you walked inside and went through security and then you waited at the gate.

"Oh Dylan is coming as well." Tanner said as Dylan walked up

"Hey." Dylan waved

"Hey." You said sitting down next to Tanner, Dylan sat on the other side of you

"This summer is going to be great." Shaun said sitting across from the 3 of you.
"The summer of a lifetime." You sigh, sitting back leaning on Tanner slightly

Chapter 3 - Planes

After a while of waiting you boarded the plane. you got lucky you were sat in between Tanner and Shane while Dylan was behind you 3. Before the plane took off you took a picture of You,Shaun,Tanner and Dylan.


Once the flight took off shaun had fallen asleep, leaving you and Tanner to talk.

"Is this your first time on a plane?" Tanner asked

"Yeah, how'd you know?" You asked

"You seem tense." he laughed, you smiled loosing up a little.

You started to get tired and leaned your head on Tanner's shoulder then went to sleep.


"Hey, Ave." Tanner says making you jump a little

"Yeah?" You ask

"We're almost landing." He replies

"Oh, Ok, Thank you." I said

"Yeah, You should probably wake up Shaun." Tanner said

"Yeah, you're right." I said I sat up right and starter to shake Shaun

"Shaun, wake up." You said

"Shaun." i said a little louder trying not to draw attention, He didn't move

You knew he wasn't going to wake up that easily, so you plugged his nose. He gasped for air and woke up

"Jesus Ava!" Shaun slightly yelled

"sorry, but were soon landing." you said

"Ok, but did you have to wake my up that way?" He asked

"I tried shaking you.. it didn't work." You replied

"ok." he said

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