Always There For Me

Start from the beginning

"Why the hell are you in such a bad mood?" Mako asked annoyed. They pulled up to a restaurant and they both got out of the car. "Hi Mandy."

Mako greeted a pretty raven haired girl with striking blue eyes. She smiled at him and winked and then nodded at Lucy. She led them to a table in the middle and Mako immediately sat down, Lucy sighed and sat in front of him.

"Give me a beer and what do you want?" He asked Lucy.

"A lemonade pl-" Mako whispered something to Mandy who nodded glancing at Lucy. She walked away and Lucy narrowed her eyes at Mako.

"What did you tell her?"

"I told her to give you water, lemonade has too much sugar and I've been noticing you have been gaining weight." Mako answered. "You're not as skinny-" Lucy felt her eyes water and she stood up grabbing her bag.

"Happy anniversary to you too jerk." And with that she walked out of the restaurant. Lucy noticed the rain pour down hard and she took a deep breath and walked down the street.

She should've broke up with him before it got to far, she leaned against a wall and felt her heart break all over again.


   Natsu looked down at his phone and saw no net messages. Happy was knocked out in his bed and teen wolf had finished. He wondered how Lucy was doing.

"I bet she's having a blast with Mako." He mumbled looked up at the ceiling. He clicked the off button causing The T.V to shut off and the only sound he heard was the sound of rain.

He had been crushing on the blonde haired girl for a while and he couldn't help but wish that he had admitted his feelings sooner.


        Lucy walked down the street wishing she had brought a sweater, her heels were soaked and it was hard to walk down the slippery sidewalk in pumps. She then looked up to see the familiar apartment building, Lucy sneezed and wiped her nose walked inside.

She received many stares and Lucy knew she must've looked like a mess, she walked inside the elevator.


Natsu was currently making top ramen and was humming the teen wolf them song. That was until the sound of the door being unlocked echoed inside the apartment. Natsu peeked around the wall to see black pumps being thrown on the floor, he walked over to see Lucy.

Her hair was soaked and her dress was currently clinging to her wet body. Her make up was smeared and tears ran down her face. She looked at Natsu and he felt his heart stop.


"I'm done with him Natsu, he called me fat and-" she was interrupted by Natsu embracing her into a tight hug. She cried into his shoulder allowing her body to lean into his.

"It's ok Luce, he doesn't deserve you." He comforted her. He broke the hug and led her into her room, she sat on her bed.


     Lucy watched Natsu walked out to get some towels and she wiped away her tears and used a shirt laying on her bed as a make up wipe. Natsu returned wrapping a towel around her.

"You should probably change Luce, you'll catch a cold." He advised, Lucy nodded and with that he walked out.

Lucy changed out of her dress and into pink sweaters and a black shirt, not really caring if it matched or not. She dried her hair and cleaned her face.

Stepping out of her room she noticed the stove was off and the living room was empty, she walked into Natsu room to see him laying on his bed with his arm covering his face.

"Natsu?" She spoke up, she hated feeling pathetic and weak. She never liked him seeing her cry. He sat up quickly.

"Luce are you ok, are you dry-"

"I'm fine." She walked over and sat beside him leaning on his shoulder.

He was always there for her and for a while she did have a crush on him, she figured he never returned the feelings so she moved on. Or at least that's what she was hoping for, she realized she never fully got over him. Yet she shoved down those feelings down and ignored them knowing he would never return them.

Natsu intertwined their hands and he looked at her.

"I'm sorry Luce, I always knew that jerk wasn't good-"

"It's fine Natsu, I'm fine." She reassured him with a soft smile. "Thank you for helping me."

"I would do anything for you." With those simple six words Lucy realized something she never noticed at all.

She loved Natsu Dragneel and she always had.

"And I will always be here for you too." He smiled gently at her and she returned the smile.


The white haired girl walked inside the quiet apartment, she noticed Lucy's black pumps thrown on the floor and curiously peered inside her room to see that it was empty.

With a sly smile she crept over to Natsu's room, Natsu and Lucy were sound asleep, Natsu's arm was wrapped around Lucy and her head was on his chest. Happy was above their head sound asleep too.

"Oh my gosh." Lisanna crept out and pulled out her phone. She quickly clicked on her sister's number.

After a few rings, Mira picked up.


"NaLu is canon." She screamed/whispered into the phone. Both sisters squealed.

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Important Note : this was inspired by the amazing cloudlucy

Highly recommend writer who makes amazing one-shots

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