Chapter Nine

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I SAW PANIC IN CONCERT SATURDAY AND IM STILL SCREAMING THERES A PICTURE OF RYANS SHRINE IN THE MEDIA AND I'VE BEEN INSPIRED TO MAKE MY OWN OKAY BYE also I'm dumb and had to republish this chapter because I forgot a scene so please reread it if you read the incorrect version enjoy

Brendon's weekend was amazing. He had such a great time with Ryan; nothing could bring him down. Not even Dallon fucking Weekes.

Brendon sat down in his math class, wanting to avoid all confrontation with Dallon. To his surprise, Dallon didn't talk to him for awhile.

For awhile, at least.

"You should come over tonight," Dallon whispered in his ear, a hand rubbing Brendon's shoulder. Mr. Biersack was in the middle of teaching, but he didn't seem to her them. And Dallon didn't seem to care either way.

"And why would I ever do that?" Brendon whispered back, head slightly turned around. Dallon laughed quietly, continuing to lightly massage his shoulder.

"We'll give a good time, me and my friends," Dallon malevolently smiled, "and maybe I'll make your precious Ryan watch. See how he likes watching other guys fuck you."

Brendon shuddered at the thought, arm shooting up in the air. He didn't fucking care anymore. He had to be away from Dallon.

"Yes, Brendon?" the teacher called on him.

"May I please be excused?" Brendon asked, trying to keep a strong face. Dallon snickered behind him.

"Yes, of course." Mr. Biersack gave him an understanding look. He knew what was truly going on. Dallon didn't seem to notice or care.

Brendon walked briskly out of the classroom and went to the bathroom. He hid in a stall and quietly cried. Dallon wouldn't rape him, right? He wasn't so sure anymore. He was so fucking scared.

About ten minutes later, Brendon realized how long he took when the bell rang. He quickly left the bathroom after drying his face and ran to the classroom. The students had cleared out, but Mr. Biersack was still in there.

"I'm so sorry, Mr. Biersack, I didn't realize how long I took, it'll never happen again, I'm-" Mr. Biersack cut Brendon off from his ramble, motioning Brendon over to his desk.

"Brendon, I want you to be honest with me." Mr. Biersack asked of him. Brendon nodded his head, "yes, sir."

"Has Dallon been bothering you?"

Brendon sighed, "Yes, sir. He has been." Mr. Biersack sighed as well, giving him a look of sympathy before continuing.

"Tomorrow I am changing the seating arrangements and I'll make sure you're as far away from his as possible." the teacher informed him. Brendon's face lit up, a small smile forming.

"Thank you, sir."

"Now, I want you to stay safe," Mr. Biersack grew serious, "I don't trust boys like him. Stay as far away as possible. Do you understand?" Brendon nodded his head. "Good. If he continues bothering you to the point where you're legitimately scared, please let me know immediately. I can help you."

Brendon already was scared. But he just nodded his head and gave the best fake smile he could, leaving the classroom.

He tried to forgot about that sinking feeling in his stomach Dallon gave him.

He couldn't.


Brendon walked into lunch, sitting down next to Ryan as always. Despite Dallon's comments and harassment, Brendon was still so happy and excited to see Ryan. He couldn't help it. Brendon was in love.

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