"What time will she arrive?" Anna asks Ilva before shoveling in another bite of her breakfast.

"Around midday, my lady," Ilva replies, fluffing the pillows on the bed before she finishes returning it to immaculate condition.

No matter how many times Anna corrects her, the maid insists upon addressing her formally - claiming that it was more of a habit than a necessity - but Anna suspects that Ilva is secretly afraid of insulting Loki's memory. She refuses to stop her daily cleaning chores, always dusting and re-dusting surfaces that are already immaculate, and waiting upon Anna even though she repeatedly asks her to do nothing of the sort.

Part of Anna just wants to pretend to be normal, in the midst of this disaster. Trapped in Asgard, trapped in the chambers of her presumed-dead lover, trapped in her dreams. She can't do anything except go through the motions of living a shell of a life without him, pretending that every single breath she takes isn't a struggle, that each second away from him doesn't drive a knife through her heart.

Their last encounter had been difficult - and she wanted to be angry with him - but she couldn't. Not when she missed him this much. She missed the curve of his smile, the impish glint in his emerald eyes, the cool of his skin brushing against hers. She could feel the ghost of his kiss on her lips, reminding her of his presence and - even worse - of his absence.

For the last three months, everyone kept insisting that Loki is dead, that he died on Svartalfheim, when Anna knows that he is alive.

Now...missing him like this. Living without him for three long, painful months. Trying to move on despite being surrounded by constant reminders of him. She wants to believe he's alive. That he's out there. That all of this will be over soon. That they'll be together again.

Now, she isn't quite certain.

Now Playing: "Ophelia" by The Lumineers.

Now Playing: "Ophelia" by The Lumineers

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Hi frens!

Sorry for the delay in this update, I've been very busy since Tuesday. Because, drumroll please, Conlan and I adopted a puppy! We now have two dogs (we already have a solid white husky named Leila), and now we have a 6 week old German Shepherd puppy.

Meet Porter!

(This was him helping me write this chapter today

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(This was him helping me write this chapter today.)

I wanted to name him Loki (because Leila + Loki would be perfect! She's solid white, he's solid black!) but Conlan picked his name. He is very ornery, however, so he will forever be known as the God of Mischief in my heart. For all of the disappointed fangirls (and boys), Conlan would like me to inform you that his full name is Porter Sebastian. He said he'd give you that much. 😉

Also, I'm sick. No sleep from puppy + possible laryngitis? Not fun!

More Porter spam below!



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(And my personal favorite, sleeping Porter featuring a Snapchat-worthy double chin

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(And my personal favorite, sleeping Porter featuring a Snapchat-worthy double chin.)


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The Darkness Cometh // Loki - Book 3 ✓Where stories live. Discover now